Then…there is Joe

Bernie Sanders loomed large as champion a movement of sorts. His programs or remedies for the improved health of America is free this or free that. Maybe, just maybe, the results in South Carolina reminded Sanders that the United States of America is a capitalist democracy. Free is not a word that’s easily digested in America. The populace interprets Free as a substantial product no matter what it entails. The first question in these cases is pretty much the same; nothing is free in the US of A. It’s a pay me now or pay me later society, but pay me you will in the end.
Thus, the opposing party, Trump and Republican voters, see Sanders as a socialist. They paint him and the Democratic Party as socialist opportunists bordering on something akin to communist ideals. By now, the Democratic Party understands the Republican playbook in a national election. That may not have been evident in 2016, but who thought Trump would get elected. So, Democrats went to sleep and woke up to a nightmare. Trump got elected President of the US. They don’t intend to make this same mistake in 2020.
Michal Bloomberg had some credible ideas with a modest record of success of sorts as the mayor of New York. Then Elizabeth Warren sank him in the debates. End of story.
Take a moment to reflect on the presidency from 2008 through 2016—a time when Barack Obama served as our President. The office, as well as the man, was respected in many parts of the world. President Obama bent over backward, trying to work with Republicans to pass legislation. No good, they played hardball and denied advancement or progress wherever they could.
Yet there was a feeling, actionable evidence that the White House was in the hands of people who would make intelligent decisions on matters that came up daily. You may not have agreed with every decision that came from the President. But you never had reason to believe that our allies would not be served, or various arms of the government would not function because of actions directly attributed to the Commander-in-Chief.
Let me say as an African American Black Senior. If Trump is in the White House for another four years, one may not recognize our country after the first year of his next term. Note how he is handling his first major crisis. The coronavirus is yet another indicator of how this President thinks and reacts to events facing the current administration. Reports indicate they were warned back in October 2019 about the current COVID19 pandemic
His administration’s efforts as head of the most powerful, original body, mobile military, resourceful workforce in the world act as if his head is buried in the sand. They are acting from a reactive position in place of a proactive body. Not as one large, coordinating organization dealing with the tentacles of COVID19. Now daily after several wasted weeks, they appear before camera looking and sounding like high schoolers, providing half an effort to a requirement that calls for all-out attention. The White House acts as if they are not in charge of the Government response. What a wasted effort and misuse of talent.
The truth is it may be hard to understand the decision-making process of rules, etc. Trump has already issued during the last four years. He may not ever want to leave the office and attempt to make his reelection permanent until death. The Republican Senate Majority is just a rubber stamp for this President. There is nothing that would surprise me anymore about the intentions of Trump and his blind to the fact’s followers.
Then, there is Joe Biden. Good old reliable Joe. A gold star member of the Obama coalition. Not without his faults, as none other than President Barack Obama had to hold Joe back at times. Supposedly he had a problem with loose lips.
He stands out as the candidate that will bring organizational skills back to the White House. Government Agencies will once again be allowed to simply do their job without having to resort to some type of political slant. As a former Defense Department employee, I know how important it is to be free to perform your daily duties regardless of which party is in the White House, or Congress. Oh, to be sure something silly would always pop up, just as quickly disregarded as duty still prevailed over any other suggestions.
We need the respect and guidance of our nation’s ideals in our government. We need those marching orders that would address wars, pandemics, or other world or national catastrophe at the speed and effectiveness required to make a difference. It is sickening to see our governments at the hands of Trump. There are people just waiting for marching orders while the current commander in chief looks as if he doesn’t know what to do. On second thought, maybe he has no clue.
Remember that as you vote this November. We can’t afford to deal with people who stand in place, especially when the requirement calls for action.
Peace & Blessing, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo
Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at
We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at Click on the publisher-Authors page at
Get any of his books by visiting my Authors page at
Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to significant magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp
Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

HRO Admin. and the Current Presidency

Most have heard of the Gabrielle Union dispute and ultimate firing from the voice. A smaller number of people may have heard that Afton Williamson quit ABC’s “The Rookie” series back in July. She noted the reason was after her complaints during the first season of racial bullying and sexual harassment simply ignored by the powers that be. The complaint covered behavior as far back as the spring of 2018 and throughout Season 1. She indicated in an August 4th TV Line article that she “experience racial discrimination, racially charged inappropriate comments from the hair department, including sexual harassment from a recurring guest star.” The shows reaction, or “HR protocol was never adhered to,” nor was “an investigation” issued for any of the complaints.

I’ve worked in both environments as a government and private concern employee or manager. I know that most white people I’ve talked to about racism in the workplace didn’t want to hear about it. Never mind did it happen; they don’t want to discuss it. Pushed, you will get various views on the subject. Most will be opinions that are not conducive to a healthy HRO program. The difference between the government work environment and private concern is like night and day. Private companies have a Human Resource (HR) Office. Some often act as if it’s a wasted position. Most times, they immediately want to brand the complainer as just that, one who is a constant complainer. People who should feel lucky to have a job. 

Many times, the perpetrator in the complaint can’t understand the problem or don’t think they have done anything wrong. Some may go so far as to say; there isn’t a problem. Either the complainer is a screw-up, or they are thin-skinned. They can’t take it, act like an immature baby, or fire them as incompetent. In short, “sit down, shut up, go along to get along.” Why they are always surprised to see people of color not follow their short edict is beyond me. This practice is not a Donald Trump invention. It’s more of “thirties, forties, fifties” white male perceived masculinity imbalance of their interpretation.    

Presently we are in a place where up is down and down is up in this society. Trump perpetrates that state of “Tweet” mind. People who don’t like you for race alone are emboldened to act. They feel they have the political cover to act out their aggression. Previously suppressed dislike in some have come bubbling up to the forefront. They are edged on by white power websites or similar groups to commit some demonstrated act to show their racism.   

The media report that we are a divided country. They don’t call it what it is, instead offering an opinionated view that the divide is among political preference. When, in fact, the divide is between people of color or the white race. The current presidential administration, along with his political party are happy to exploit that divide to stay in power. Meanwhile, our country suffers from this new now. We not only suffer in worldly shame for not standing up for the ideals of Americans. But we also suffer in economic ways that we may not feel for a few years. An objective that’s was a consideration in the Trump tax bill passed by the Republicans.

The ideals, goals on which this country built are questioned, ignored, challenged by those who want to maintain their power structure hold despite their now being the minority. So those in a position of authority feel free to practice their hateful behavior toward people of color or Jews. It’s a perfect example of the effect any current presidential admiration has on the people of this country.

We, as sixty percent of regular citizens now, ask, what kind of governmental representative do we want to represent we the people? Where do our loyalties lie with Russia’s Putin or our entire USA legislative body, along with its checks and balances? I ask, have we ever looked to Russia as an example of anything except a tyrannical state.

For that forty percent of Americans who consistently back this Admiration no matter what horrendous act Trump perpetrates on American Society, shame on you. History will interpret your behavior is truly Un-American.  

All that’s needed for the entire USA to right itself and regard its neighbors as people of value is to remember whose birthday is on December 25th. That would be Jesus Christ. Follow his teachings, not Trump or Putin; you can’t go wrong.

Who do we place our trust in to run this country? Our decisions toward political matters are to ensure that our children and their children live in a country that helps them grow as people. They should be free to express themselves freely without fear of a dictator’s wrath because of certain topics.  

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at  Click on the publisher-Authors page at   

Get any of his books by visiting my Authors page at

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Will The Real Candidate Please Stand Up

I tried to lay low during the first part of the 2020 National Election. I didn’t want to comment too early about any candidate, especially the guy that sits in the White House as President. We are now in November of 2019. One year away, too early, but the Iowa Caucus set for February 3, 2020. So here we go, as I attempt to keep the focus on the process.

A couple, if not a few people, are contemplating entering an already crowded field. Why, because the Democratic leaders in the polls are vulnerable. It doesn’t matter why because the vulnerability seems uncorrectable.

Independent/Democratic/Democratic-leaning Republicans, many still undecided even if they have named one of the leading Poll individuals are worried about the outcome of next year’s November vote. That noise you hear is their teeth gnashing, the scratching of fingernails on their windowpanes, or bohemia like screams. In short, most Americans are sick and tired of seeing a Presidency run on the fly along with a Twitter run policy initiator.

Every day, this country goes through stops, starts, hour by hour changes in direction with a constant flow of unqualified people placed in a highly visible governmental position — many on a temporary status. It’s sad to think of all the necessary investigations surrounding the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. To think there could be four more years of this environment is just too much.

Therefore, we are looking for one person who can take charge, step up to the plate and hit one out of the ballpark. We need a candidate that can and will win in November of 2020. Most of us thought we had one. But we have found too many variables. There is just too much uncertainty for our nerves.

When we cast our vote next November, we want to feel that our choice has a chance to win. Our winner is going to be very busy mending fences with pretty much all our Allies and friends throughout the world. Not to think of all the correction/refocusing to just about everything you can think of at the Government level. I bet you the actual White House is in bad shape too.    

So please, for God’s sake, will the real candidate please sign up, step up or stand up and let themselves be known to an anxious public. Let the Democratic voting public know how you can fix problems and govern. Then and only then will the case be closed, with history set to record the how, why, when, and what the hell happened the previous four years.

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,   

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo     

Look for our newly released book, Unchon-ni, South Korea, I Remember 1962-63. Keep us in mind when buying books for that avid reader in your family. Details of the must-read novels are located at    

Or visit our Authors page at

Our Parent Company’s sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Tis The 2018 Holiday Season

Tis the season, so on and so on. I love the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year holiday season. I, like all, are reminded of our childhood seasons. Our young adult seasons come to mind. We think of those who have passed on as well as those who are still here with us. Out thoughts shift to old friends. We muse about new friends. People we would love to meet, greet, spend time in conversation.

We love seeing the excitement on our loved one’s faces as they reminisce about a happy time in 2018. We enjoy watching them open gifts. The surprise on their faces as they feel you have connected with their innermost wishes. Then there are the pensive thoughts going through their minds — thoughts along with excitement about the known versus the unknown in the coming year.The point is watching holiday reactions from your family, friends, or your main squeeze is a seasonal high. Times you must personally experience. You’ve got to be there, be involved in appreciating it fully. Your involvement is the ultimate high.

Oh, by the way. Whose bright idea was it to have the Mall Santa Clause walk around the facility soliciting “Selfies” instead of taking pictures with children on his lap.

Tis the time of the year when we tend to forget silly feuds, personal dislikes that don’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. You think your savior for allowing you, family members to make it through another year. Somehow you have a different or at least an adjusted attitude about life. Personal accomplishments only add to the good feelings.

We are still a realist for we have no illusions about the defective political thinking that are initiated by the White House. We think that victories as a result of the mid-terms will bring about change from the rapid deterioration of social customs. Indeed, if not the act of sociability, period. Those who voted for a change should have restored any dwindling confidence in our American resolve to maintain American values.

Over the year, we saw our children-adult toys become smarter, more complicated for the end-user. Robotic or personal items we never thought we’d see so soon back in the eighties or nineties. They’ve become essentials in 2018. For instances, without a smartphone, we are not as smart.

My son and I are continually having this conversation about the use of drones to deliver goods to your front door. I think regulation’srequired before allowing them to fly free, untethered, all Willie-nillie through the air. Think delivery of Amazon orders.

How big are the boxes? Does that mean the drones will have to be larger to match the box size? How long will it take a competitor like United Parcel, FedEx, or even the United States Post Office to initiate a Drone-Delivery Program? What’s to say they won’t fly into each other? How high will they fly? What does it mean to other airspace vehicles like helicopters, etc. if anything. And the obvious question. What happens when the drone accidental drops a package during delivery? Suppose the package falls on a moving automobile, a pedestrian, or group of children walking to school. The point being, there needs to be airspace regulation before we fill the air with drones flying all over the place. So far, no major issues but we are in the early stages.

The one thing we always take from these type holiday seasons is that our time is brief on earth. Especially around New Year’s Day. While younger, we may think we have a long time for whatever. The sudden realization in our thirties is a reminder that our time-clock is ticking. Anytime after that, most of us grasped the idea that we have an expiration date. We don’t have to like it, but we all are going to die.

Our legacy is in our hands. It’s up to us to leave behind a positive impression to anyone who has an interest that we once lived on this earth. Maybe a lot of people don’tcare or think it’s a depressing thought. For me, earning money is no longer my mantra. It is important that anyone looking up my name will find my writings. In which they will also find that I cared deeply about my family, friends, country, and heritage. I would also add God first and foremost. That for me is legacy enough. How about you?

Happy Holliday’s to you and yours. I’m looking forward to an eventful 2019.

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                       Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Subscribe to this blog at tis-the-2018-holiday-season

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of my Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of my latest and fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Click on the publisher-Authors page at  

Get any of my books by visiting my Authors page at

Look for our new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2019. We love to pass on our written word. Not because we think we are so great but that you understand there are people out there that think as you do – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment