Everybody’s Talking – Some are up too Close and Personal

There is an ‘old Negro saying’ that reads like this, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Well, maybe it’s not an ‘old Negro saying’ because my father was not an old Negro when I first heard him say it. I can’t tell you exactly how old he was or when I first heard him say it. He might have gotten it from the slang of the time or some old friend. It was a favorite phrasing of my fathers, who repeated it continuously to anyone who didn’t quite know how to put a particular thought into words. It also made one correct an outright lie.

We know how people talk in the hood. If you go to any function, there is always some black person going through a nonstop rant about something or the other. However, sooner or later, there will be a short pause. That’s when you know they add or spin their story version.

Daddy used the phrase often when counseling me, especially when I’d done something wrong. There I was, trying to figure out how to put into words an excuse for why I did it. He’d patiently wait as if to say, “Let me see what he is going to say about this.” He knew there was no excuse. Yet I kept trying to justify why I did something I knew was wrong. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking to the man who oversaw punishing or counseling me for that error in judgment. Immaturely, I always felt that the punishment would be light if I could justify it. If I could make him laugh about it, I may even get off with a warning. At least, it was a nice thought. Let me tell you, those mental games I tried to play with my father? If I had succeeded once, I don’t remember it. I always thought, even today, that old man had a master’s degree in life itself.

Back in those days, black people felt that sending their kids to a Catholic school would ensure their children would get a good education. I remember thinking while walking to and from Milwaukee’s St Benedict de Moor. I wanted to go to the same school as my father. Why? Because that man knew something about everything. And another thing, he was no fool. That was another one of his favorite sayings. He would say, “I ain’t no fool, so don’t play me cheap.” I never did understand how the words’ fool’ and ‘cheap’ related to each other. But I and most people around him got the message and agreed with his statement.

The other day, I thought about my dad while watching a commercial of Donald Trump selling two-dollar bills with his mug picture. It made you wonder who would buy such a foolish thing. Then, I realized many of his MAGA followers would stock up on those bills. I can’t wait to see some of them wearing his $ 400-style tennis shoes. Wow, it’s unreal as to where some people’s heads are in this country these days.

As they always do, the thoughts stir up those memories of growing up in a household where ninety percent of the people who came into your house were relatives, and another five percent were your play cousins. I’m telling you, up until I was approaching thirteen years of age, I thought half the black people, a few Puerto Ricans, and a couple of white people in Milwaukee were related to me in some way.

They taught us sound values as children. Our parents, originally farmland country folk, may not have had a high school diploma. In the late forties and fifties, they moved north, west, and east to escape the segregated South. They arrived in places like California, New York, Chicago, and Milwaukee, looking for jobs and a place to raise a family. My mother and father left Arkansas, heading for Milwaukee four months after I was born.

They knew how to make ends meet. We never felt poor or were never hungry as kids growing up. No, we were not rich with dollars but with community and love. And there were rules in that community, no matter what adult a kid was talking to. You didn’t lie to an adult, you didn’t say bad words, you didn’t steal. And one that will probably make today’s young parents wish for those old days. You didn’t speak while grown people spoke. After the initial hello to a visitor, the kids didn’t stay in the same room, sitting on Auntie’s lap listening to grown folk conversations.

Back then, people didn’t use many unnecessary or phony descriptive words during their conversation. Most were short and to the point. There was no room for misinterpreting what was meant by someone. And usually, if you were dealing with a down-home person, as they used to call themselves, they meant what they were saying. If they said they were going to slap the mess out of you, you better duck or get hit.

Nowadays, there is a lot of talk. Everybody is talking. The children are talking. The teenagers are talking. The grown-ups are talking. The people on TV, in the grocery store, at the bank, at the gas station, the President, and other seemingly nonstop politicians’ ads or in person. Commentators and analysts on the radio. Sports reporters on ESPN, CNN, ABC, CBS, you name it, everybody has something to say. At least, they think they do.

Everybody’s mouth is moving. Words are spoken, but mostly, they have no real thought or meaning except for self-promotion. Some folks talk while knowing there is no purpose or clarity in their conversation. They are just talking because they think that is what they are supposed to do. There are times when you can interrupt a speaker to ask a question. There is just no telling what kind of response you get. They may try to make you look like a fool. Or they answer you with technical jargon that does not affect the conversation.

As noted, many of these people show up on our TVs as experts or supposedly speaking the truth. They are like carnival barkers. Unfortunately, some innocent folks base their decisions on what they hear instead of checking for the truth. Often, they are just trying to sell something, either a product or themselves. And even worse, they’re spouting some political line they know is false. Just think about it. If there were some truth litmus test before people started talking, we would all be better off in a more silent world.

We live in a ‘Get all up in your face’ society. Some want you to know and remember them. They’re taking their cues from the late Michal Jackson record. That is “They’re Bad.” I saw a guy on the news the other day punching another passenger while they were flying in a plane. What would happen if one of them threw something that broke the window? That behavior is one reason I no longer like to fly in an airplane. Some of these passengers on the place are crazy. And I am not talking about terrorists.

Too many people are carrying guns, concealed or in the open, depending upon the laws in your state. There is another saying from back in the day. If you carry a gun, somebody or something will make you use it. A newscaster commented the other day that up to this point, there were more mass shootings in the US this year than days on the calendar. That number would be forty-eight. Yet the NRA and Republics in some states are advocating that we arm the teachers. They want everyone to be able to carry a gun openly. Kids are already afraid to go to school. Their parents are worried from the time they leave home until they return.

When will we wise up and take our country in a new direction? Where is the politician, in a JFK, MLK, or BHO mode, that can lead this country on a democratic journey to self-assurance? A place where our children see growth and a bright future. Remember, this is our country, not the Republicans, MAGA, or any right-wing organization. This is the year; we need to make our voices heard…vote.

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                          Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Tis the Season…2022

Have a happy holiday season to you, and yours from me and mine. Tis the season I love…Thanksgiving up through New Year’s. Like all, I’m reminded of this time of the year when I was a child. We remember and pay tribute to those who have passed on and are still with us. We muse about new friends and acquaintances we would love to meet, greet, and talk with about numerous subjects.

We love seeing the excitement on our loved one’s faces as they reminisce about a happy time before and during this year. We enjoy watching them open gifts. The surprise on their faces as they feel you have connected with their innermost wishes. Then there are the pensive thoughts going through their minds — thoughts along with excitement about the known versus the unknown in the coming years. The point is that watching holiday reactions from your family, friends, or your main squeeze is a seasonal natural high. Times you must personally experience. You’ve got to be there and be involved in appreciating it fully. Your involvement is the ultimate high.

Tis the time of the year when we tend to forget silly feuds and personal dislikes that don’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. You think your savior for allowing you and your family members to make it through another year. Yet, somehow you have a different or at least an adjusted attitude about life. Personal accomplishments only add to the good feelings.

We are still a realist, for we have no illusions about the defective political nonsense coming from politicians in the Senate and Congress. The same two senators that voted with the Republicans on many vital issues the last two years are making noises again. Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema has changed her party designation to Independent. Although a registered Democrat, Joe Manchin declares he is not a Washington-voting Democrat. There is nothing new with those two. As for the House of Representatives change, one can be very sure stupid ideas will flow from the Republican majority speaker. Yet, there will be nothing new. They investigate those with whom they disagree. While some in their party will continue to promote unproven theories, spread lies, and believe the last presidential election was a complete fraud.   

By God’s grace, we still hope that victories because of the mid-terms will bring about change from the rapid deterioration of social customs. Indeed, if not the act of sociability, period. So let’s continue (with our votes) sending Trump, MAGA, and other extremists and their gangs back to the wayside from which they came. Do you feel me?

The one thing we always take from these holiday seasons is that our time is brief on earth. Especially around New Year’s Day. While younger, we may think we have a long time for whatever. The sudden realization in our thirties reminds us that our clock is ticking. Anytime after that, most of us grasped that we have an expiration date. We don’t have to like it, but we will all die. I am a firm believer from when I didn’t think I would reach the age of twenty-one. What can I say? It was life if the fast lane. Now that I’m a senior citizen or OG for the hip. I sincerely believe that when God has scheduled you to leave this earth, nothing else matters; your time will be up.

Our legacy is in our hands. It’s up to us to leave a positive impression on anyone with an interest that we once lived on this earth. Maybe a lot of people don’t care or think it’s a depressing thought. For me, earning money is no longer my mantra. Anyone looking up my name must find my writings, which they will also find that I cared deeply about my family, friends, country, and heritage. I would also add God first and foremost. That, for me, is legacy enough. How about you?

Now a few words about our local sports. You know how I do. The good news for Steph and the Warriors is he may only be out through the end of December, according to @TheAthletic, or mid-January would be my uneducated guess. But Coach Kerr let Moses Moody play more minutes to develop. He has earned it.

Meanwhile, my Niners just won the NFC West by beating their archrival, Seattle Seahawks. Superbowl, I don’t know about that; it all depends. Next year, it will be a circus deciding who to keep and who to let go between Trey Lance, Jimmy G, and Brock Purdy. And the A’s continue getting rid of players because they don’t want to pay them. Yet they want Alameda County to pay a substantial amount to help them build a stadium. So why should fans attend a farm team game, I ask?

So once again, happy holiday season to you and yours, our family far and wide, from me and mine. I’m looking forward to an eventful 2023. Look for two new books (Grandma Gracie’s Migration to Milwaukee, the sequel to Grace Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years. and Lil Big Papa) authored by yours truly this coming spring-summer.

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                                               Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my Authors webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

So, it Goes

Wow! Half the year is gone, can you believe it? This weekend folks enjoyed the festivities of the Fourth of July. It was a chance to travel by air unless you suffered a canceled flight. If driving, a chance to get out of the house. Folks enjoyed local parades, fireworks, tasty food and forgot about COVID-19 for a little while. However, authorities advised wearing a mask in the company of a lot of people, just in case. It felt nice to get a real break from being cooped up during the pandemic, even though this is not the first opportunity to do so. California weather allowed for backyard barbecues.   

It’s a nice break from your televised news of shootings and protestors not to think of supreme court overturns. A court that has increasingly become a right-leaning political ally. Enjoy it because returning to your TV telecast or however one consumes the national news. Let’s say inflation is not the only thing we worry about today. Reportedly tragedies happen on the Fourth.  

But then, if you haven’t noticed, this country is on a very conservative lean. One could say right-wing ideas have become valid in the mainstream. Some are based on baseless theories and simple lies. Republicans are ecstatically anticipating numerous Democratic lawmakers losing their reelection bids during the 2022 fall midterms. As usual, they believe most Americans are not paying attention to their do nothing but support people with money ideas.

They continue to back the National Rifle Association (NRA) stance of no need for gun control laws. The country suffered from mass shootings, again, as recently as this past July Fourth. Where, who, why, or when doesn’t seem to matter to those gunmen with a military automatic rifles. Their one goal is to kill innocent people.

The GOP doesn’t support police officers’ reform despite evidence as recently as another sixty bullets entering one person of color this past Fourth of July. The eight officers involved are on leave, suspended with pay. How many people do you know are suspended from a job with pay? No, we don’t want to defund the police, yet we feel a severe examination of qualified individuals is warranted. There should also be an effective program to identify police officers who are burnt out or feel certain races in our society are not entitled to the same laws as others. Sensitive training doesn’t seem to work on most of the officers.

We are so tired of people getting in our faces to give us their interpretations of their American rights. I am baffled by these people who disregard health warnings or governmental caution. They want government off their backs until they are hit with fire, flood, or other god-causing disasters. Then, they change their rhetoric with rocket speed; they sound hypocritical.

So, look out for the hyped lead-up rhetoric to the midterms. They act as if the rest of the world is the problem, not necessarily them.    

What is your lawmaker doing about these societal ills? That is the question for the upcoming mid-terms. Are they one of the do-nothing Republicans?   

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                               Author & Commentator

Our new book, “The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my Authors Page The webpage URL is https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Hey you, the unvaccinated Ones

Hey you unvaccinated people. What is wrong with you? Why would you want to put your friends, neighbors, associates, family, or teammates through the possibility of catching COVID19 from you? What is so all-powerful or means so much to you that you can put all the above at risk. 

Being in the age of vulnerability and having some of the medical issues that attract COVID, my wife and I got vaccinated over six months ago. Last week we got our Pfizer booster shoots from our medical provider. On Sunday, I found that a cousin of mine died from COVID19. I should also mention that he had additional medical issues. But the point here is people are still dying from this virus. It’s not the time to be flippant about getting vaccinated. Or, for that matter, reluctant to wearing a mask out in public.

I know about maintaining one’s individuality. I understand the need to be always independent. But, frankly, I am with you when it comes to being asked to do something rather than being told to comply with whatever. It’s all right except when it comes to your health and welfare, your family, and others. There lies the main reason for all to comply with the experts’ suggestions to get vaccinated rather than not.

There have been reports that vaccinated folks can spread the virus too. Some people of color have wondered if the entire vaccination program may be a (fill in the blank) sham on black people. They refer to the Tuskegee Experiment as the basis for this notion. Some have cited religious reasons for avoiding the shots. Others have used the tried-and-true reason. When you ask the guy on the corner why they won’t get vaccinated, his answer is “Because.” They have no specific reasons except.

As for NBA sports stars, who would not be allowed to play home games in their arenas? The league announced they would not be paid for games missed. Suddenly it became an economic problem along with a good teammate, public pressure, or a good health issue. Although given the possible amounts of money it would cost them to sit out games, some are making a favorable financial decision. They did or will get vaccinated soon. Although, you’ve got to think that public pressure, along with supporting your teammates, also came into play.

Mandates to get vaccinated have been asked of Government employees, numerous industry workers, and states employees. Most with the threat of being fired if you do not comply. California’s governor Gavin Newsom recently mandated vaccinations for school-age children and teachers. 

We have learned of many more reasons we should get vaccinated for the betterment of our health. A new study finds that overall, vaccinated folks are less likely to spread the virus even if they catch the coronavirus. “It’s the highest quality study we have so far on the question of infectiousness of vaccinated people infected with delta,” said University of Pennsylvania infectious disease physician Dr. Aaron Richterman. It is important to note he was not involved in the research project.

 You can check out the site at https://usafacts.org for information regarding specific states.

There are the obvious, vaccine-preventable diseases have not gone away and are expensive. You hear of capacity-filled hospitals with virus-infected people every day. Yet, today’s news is also filled with people changing their minds while becoming compliant with vaccination directives.

“It’s just too soon to tell. We have to concentrate on continuing to get those numbers down and not try to jump ahead by weeks or months and say what we’re going to do at a particular time.” Those are the words of our Chief White House Medical Adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci as a guest on this past Sunday’s CBS Face The Nation. He is commenting on a question of should we be concerned with holiday gatherings during the last two months of this year.  

In the end, it is simple. But, let us get real, folks; our lives depend upon it.

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                   Author & Commentator

Look for the publication of our new book, “The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II.” It will be available in late November of this year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Biden-Harris administration not ready for prime Time?

A show of hands of all you Democrats that are sick of Republicans’ right-wing tendencies to move the country toward their idea of what America should be or represent to the world. Wow, look at all the hands in the air.

All those who voted for Mitch McConnell for president, please raise your hands. Nobody, umm, oh that’s right, he hasn’t run for president, unlike numerous members of his party since he has been in the senate. As a result, very few won the presidency, which can be interpreted as the majority in the country do not favor their legislative proposals.

We still remember Mitch’s announcement after the 2008 election vowing that Barack Obama would not serve a second term. Of course, we all know he was unsuccessful in preventing Obama’s reelection. Yet he, along with a Republican majority Senate, successfully blocked many of the Presidents’ judicial nominations, including other legislative attempts that have led to the current congressional partisan divide. That and their four-year support of whatever Trump wanted, including approving numerous unqualified agencies head and judicial nominations in this country’s history. Let’s not forget the GOP added trillions of dollars to the US Debt, without even a concern for future red ink.  

Now, with President Biden in the White House, he, as senate minority leader, has convinced his Republican party to place the United States in default by shutting down the government. One more time, who voted for McConnell to become president of the United States? No one did you say, then, for God’s sake, how did this individual become powerful enough to bring the US Government to a standstill? We ought to remind ourselves of the following quote from our sixteenth president of the United States. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln.

After four years of dividing tactics coming from the Trump White House. A congress that allowed corporations contributing to their reelection campaign to run the country practically. Those Republican tax cuts for people who already enjoy the fruits and liberties of our country see no need to support by helping their less fortunate citizens. Those same Republicans, who long to once again be in charge, say they want more of the same, no taxes for the rich at the expense of everyone else.

We have a new administration, albeit Democratic, to the ire of Republicans. This is not to think of the opposing frothing mouth of right-wing extremists, as evidenced by their attempted coup of January 6, 2021. One can rightly say during the last four years of Trumpism; congress has done nothing to help the average US citizen. All those who made out like a bonus bloated corporate executive from 2016 through 2020 wave your arms/hands. Oh, sorry, those people are too busy enjoying their wealth to be bothered by ordinary folks.

If you read, listen to, or watch Republican owed media conglomerates, Biden is in trouble. He doesn’t know what he is doing; he lies, says things he doesn’t really mean. His Afghanistan withdrawal, the Hispanic and Haiti immigrant’s incident at the border is not a pretty sight to anybody. But the sharky GOP see and smell blood in the water. Their operatives are trying to convince you that the Biden-Harris Administration is not ready for primetime. They are a failure. They are always quick to point out democratic shortcomings. As if they don’t have time to correct missteps before the Mid-terms.

At the same time, they are offering no options to make issues better other than turning more of the country over to people who have no basic morals. They might as well rename the United States to US of A, Incorporated.   

One last quote from number sixteen, “Let them beware of surrendering a political power which they already possess, and which if surrendered will surely be used to close the door of advancement against such as they and to fix new disabilities and burdens upon them till all of liberty shall be lost.”  So are the words of Abraham Lincoln in his state of the union address on December 3, 1861.

Number sixteen means we are all responsible for and should be heavily involved in the direction of our country—specifically, the policies, representative decisions made to pass a long-overdue infrastructure bill. Bridges, roads are becoming hazardous to transportation. Let’s not turn our back on our fellow citizens with this upheaval about prolonging a pandemic that could be brought under control with cooperation from the so-called red states. The extremist is not in charge of this country. Nor should we be intimidated by their implied insurrections. We’ve already gone through a bloody civil war over the same issues (race, voting rights) complained about from the minority. We should not stand for anyone threatening another. Climate Change is another issue that the GOP has tried to bury despite the warnings from our scientific experts. Now we see the results every day.

Then, of course, there always is a Democratic representative that wants to be a kingmaker, make a name for himself, or have some other kind of agenda. So, they tend to swim in the opposite direction of the rest of the Democrats. These are tactics that also help the Republicans. And…you have seen what they do for you. Oh, what a problem to solve for the Biden Administration.   

There are always missteps from presidential administrations. Can you name one where there wasn’t some problem that turned into a national embarrassment for the sitting president? So why not forget the politics of events for a while. And push for programs that will benefit the average American? That is what Biden-Harris has promised and is trying to do for this country.

Look how close we came to a Putin national holiday on our American calendar. Why not disregard the Republican playbook for now? Plan on making a properly informed choice during next year’s mid-terms based upon what really happened, not as the Republicans want you to forget legislation they would not allow to pass.

How about giving the current presidential administration a chance to show you their true capabilities? As our nation keepers, we are ready for any time, not only prime time. Look at it like we are cheering for one of our sports teams. So go US of A, on and upward for progress.  

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical  at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Why Should we care about our country?

Why should you care what happens in this country? The death of George Floyd, with countless others throughout the seventies, up through today. The election of a president who lacks the moral leadership of an average American. A consistent thirty to thirty-five percent following that can see no, I repeat, no flaws by this president as a representative of our country. A need to change the culture of police forces around this country from sometimes acting as an occupational force rather than to protect, serve all citizens. A partisan divide that is threatening to tear apart this country. Again, one might ask, why should we care what happens in our country? Because neglecting to pay attention to what is going on from our local political electors to the white house is how we got to our current situation.

Once there was a question, do our young folks care…? well, do you hear, see them now on your daily news outlet. With the absence of governmental leadership apparent during this COVID19 pandemic, we long for signs of any consistent leaders to step up, show themselves.  Meanwhile, we, as individuals, should do our part for our country. The long or short answer to why we should care is because it is your country. This is our house. Depending upon your ethnicity, some may say it does not belong to you, or you don’t belong in it. Other ethnicities try to take claim of the United States even though their forefathers arrived after others were already here.

During the civil rights era, marchers often heard the anti-demonstrators shout, “go back to Africa; we don’t want you here.” There is so much wrong with that phrase; I don’t have time to go through the thought process. Let me say, the blood, sweat, tears, and bones of my ancestors buried in grounds of America.  

However, you see some young, middle-aged, or older folks doing things that make light of the coronavirus warning. It’s as though they have some magic shield that prevents them from contacting COVID19. For the young, the thought may be that nothing could harm me at this age. For others, it’s just stupidity of the subject.   

So, they go on about their daily business, some not knowing if they already have the virus spreading it around like a “get sick” card. Others believing, they never get sick, so it doesn’t apply to them. It’s like that old Mad Comic Book character, Alfred E Neuman…” What me worry?”

The demonstrations against the shelter-in-place Governor orders in Michigan some weeks ago looked sick to me. They show up with rifles, pistols, a couple of confederate flags, signs that let you know they support Trump. What a joke. Those who are paying attention know this virus has no specific targets. Everybody encountering it is vulnerable. Asthmatics suffer more than others, but everybody can catch COVID19.   

Or we could look at it another way. Yes, this is my country. I was born here; I have put down my roots. And the utmost, in my opinion, my ancestors grew up, raised generations of children, helped build this country from the wilderness, desert. No one has more claim to this country than my people or me.

My fellow countrymen, generations that followed, let’s be honest with ourselves. We’ve seen developments, incidents, whatever you want to call them that we thought we would never see in our lifetime. Some thought our Baby Boomer generation went too far. Others felt we hit the right notes, pushed the correct agenda for societal change. We wonder why it didn’t last.

Music guided our thought process. Some of the most important, thoughtful, meaningful songs were written in the sixties, seventies decade. A talented artist from all genres of music was in bands or solo artists that added to the diaspora of the day. Groups marched to effect change by certain songs. They formed opinions, calculated life strategies that contributed to real changes in our society. Again, why didn’t the forced changes last?  

The hippy generation brought about the loved one and all attitude. Everybody was a valuable person. They felt that all had something to contribute to society. We all thought we counted for something. We became proud of our country as change for the better was seen, felt, practiced in our daily lives. By now, you may be asking the same question, why didn’t the attitude changes last up through today?

We saw the election of an African American President. President Obama had more patience with the right-wing Republican Party than he should have, then again, that’s just my opinion. We hoped in vain that we had turned a racial corner in this country. Only to be shocked back to reality before Mr. Obama served a day. Mitch McConnel, with the aid of other Republicans, felt that it was his job to see that President Obama didn’t have a second term. That did not work, so they did everything else under the sun to block his powers. Republican Lawmakers in charge of both houses of Congress controlled the agenda. Laws expired, were never addressed, politics became a partisan rule.

That is why the sixties implemented laws did not last up through today. The rise of the Tea Party, hidden racism, a lot of nervous people who saw their majority slide into a minority. That produced a changing attitude, once again pushed by the Republican Party.    

In the past, we saw wars, conflicts that began because some guy somewhere believes he is the chosen one. So, his fellow countrymen should be indebted to him. Now we see the same type of politician in our county of the United States of America. He thinks we should do what he says, do not fret the big decisions. He is all-knowing about all subjects. He alone will address issues. Yet we see different problems left unsolved, mismanaged, or not managed (COVID19) at all.     

The political parties drifted into partisan groups because the Americas stood by, did nothing. We watched as Washington DC politicians on the right seem to care less about all Americans, only catering to a very few.

The attitude now is ‘I’ve got or is going to get mine no matter who I have to step on to get it.’ The bottom line, this is not the America we once knew. Just because a third of the people follow this president, it does not make his policies right for all Americans. Sometimes people are not sure what is best for them if they do not have all the facts.

According to a political science Stony Brook professor Helmut Norpoth, who has correctly predicted five out of six elections since 1996, Trump will win in November. He  told Mediaite on Tuesday., “The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November.” Let that resonate in your brain for a moment. Can this country stand another four years of Trump or his Republican Party?

The answer to stopping this weird merry go round is to vote during this presential election. As citizens, we are responsible for the direction taken by our country. Too many have died for the rights we currently have for us to check out or say to hell with America. Please vote for the restoration of our country’s core values. Let us take hold of our future, vote for representatives, folks running for the Senate, and a president that has Americans’ best interest at heart. Once installed in their job, you will see the beauty of being free and an American.   

Peace & Blessing, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

 Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at https://redheadedbooklover.com/gracie-hall-hampton-codis-hampton-ii/  Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions   

Get any of his books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to significant magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Jordan, Tiger…or Another Individual?

This morning I am laying in the bed watching Sports Center. Charles Barkley made a statement that Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods commanding the stage of being the best athlete he has known in his life. I understand that Charles Barkley speaking about the most exceptional athletes were those from his era. But then there is no excuse for his ignorance of black history. Then again, we are talking about something said by Barkley.

You may or may not know that people are going on and on in the sports world today. The subject is the greatness of Michael Jordan in the game of basketball. They are talking about the Chicago Bulls documentary film, “The Last Dance.” It is about the drive to the Bulls last NBA Championship.

So many people are heaping praise and rightly so on the GOAT, Michael Jordan. I will agree that he was one of the best, coldest, most fierce competitors of the game of all time. That has stood the test of time up though Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. Everybody wanted to be like Mike. All basketball players wanted the talent, etc. of a Michael Jordan.

Charles, let me clarify one major point. Jordan nor Tiger Woods are not the most charismatic in sports. Do they cause wonderment, envy? Can they probably work in a social environment room like no other? I’ve never been in an environment of sports celebrities to feel the electricity as those two walking into a room. I am a product of the hood. I can tell you what is said about all those individuals in the barbershop, pool halls, and all local social gatherings.  Are they, as you said, the best individual athletes of all time?

No, they are not. That title is reserved for another individual. Just so you know, there is no one more respected, revered as an athlete, or an all-around person than Muhammad Ali. You don’t believe me, google his name.

Go back in time a few years before those individuals, Jordan, and Tiger. Check out the life story of Ali. Then come back and correct your statement.

I think it would be good for both of those gentlemen named by Barkley to remember as they accept the accolades showered on them from others. There is a greater one whose name is known for not only what he accomplished in his sport. His legacy as a man far exceeds any other since the journalism of words written about sports stars.  After all, Muhammad Ali coined the words, “Greatest of all Time.” Do you feel me?


Peace & Blessing, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,


Codis Hampton II

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at https://redheadedbooklover.com/gracie-hall-hampton-codis-hampton-ii/  Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions   

Get any of his books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to significant magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/ and http://www.chiia.com/home.html. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com


Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Then…there is Joe

Bernie Sanders loomed large as champion a movement of sorts. His programs or remedies for the improved health of America is free this or free that. Maybe, just maybe, the results in South Carolina reminded Sanders that the United States of America is a capitalist democracy. Free is not a word that’s easily digested in America. The populace interprets Free as a substantial product no matter what it entails. The first question in these cases is pretty much the same; nothing is free in the US of A. It’s a pay me now or pay me later society, but pay me you will in the end.
Thus, the opposing party, Trump and Republican voters, see Sanders as a socialist. They paint him and the Democratic Party as socialist opportunists bordering on something akin to communist ideals. By now, the Democratic Party understands the Republican playbook in a national election. That may not have been evident in 2016, but who thought Trump would get elected. So, Democrats went to sleep and woke up to a nightmare. Trump got elected President of the US. They don’t intend to make this same mistake in 2020.
Michal Bloomberg had some credible ideas with a modest record of success of sorts as the mayor of New York. Then Elizabeth Warren sank him in the debates. End of story.
Take a moment to reflect on the presidency from 2008 through 2016—a time when Barack Obama served as our President. The office, as well as the man, was respected in many parts of the world. President Obama bent over backward, trying to work with Republicans to pass legislation. No good, they played hardball and denied advancement or progress wherever they could.
Yet there was a feeling, actionable evidence that the White House was in the hands of people who would make intelligent decisions on matters that came up daily. You may not have agreed with every decision that came from the President. But you never had reason to believe that our allies would not be served, or various arms of the government would not function because of actions directly attributed to the Commander-in-Chief.
Let me say as an African American Black Senior. If Trump is in the White House for another four years, one may not recognize our country after the first year of his next term. Note how he is handling his first major crisis. The coronavirus is yet another indicator of how this President thinks and reacts to events facing the current administration. Reports indicate they were warned back in October 2019 about the current COVID19 pandemic
His administration’s efforts as head of the most powerful, original body, mobile military, resourceful workforce in the world act as if his head is buried in the sand. They are acting from a reactive position in place of a proactive body. Not as one large, coordinating organization dealing with the tentacles of COVID19. Now daily after several wasted weeks, they appear before camera looking and sounding like high schoolers, providing half an effort to a requirement that calls for all-out attention. The White House acts as if they are not in charge of the Government response. What a wasted effort and misuse of talent.
The truth is it may be hard to understand the decision-making process of rules, etc. Trump has already issued during the last four years. He may not ever want to leave the office and attempt to make his reelection permanent until death. The Republican Senate Majority is just a rubber stamp for this President. There is nothing that would surprise me anymore about the intentions of Trump and his blind to the fact’s followers.
Then, there is Joe Biden. Good old reliable Joe. A gold star member of the Obama coalition. Not without his faults, as none other than President Barack Obama had to hold Joe back at times. Supposedly he had a problem with loose lips.
He stands out as the candidate that will bring organizational skills back to the White House. Government Agencies will once again be allowed to simply do their job without having to resort to some type of political slant. As a former Defense Department employee, I know how important it is to be free to perform your daily duties regardless of which party is in the White House, or Congress. Oh, to be sure something silly would always pop up, just as quickly disregarded as duty still prevailed over any other suggestions.
We need the respect and guidance of our nation’s ideals in our government. We need those marching orders that would address wars, pandemics, or other world or national catastrophe at the speed and effectiveness required to make a difference. It is sickening to see our governments at the hands of Trump. There are people just waiting for marching orders while the current commander in chief looks as if he doesn’t know what to do. On second thought, maybe he has no clue.
Remember that as you vote this November. We can’t afford to deal with people who stand in place, especially when the requirement calls for action.
Peace & Blessing, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo
Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni
We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at https://redheadedbooklover.com/gracie-hall-hampton-codis-hampton-ii/ Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions
Get any of his books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070
Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to significant magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp
Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/ and http://www.chiia.com/home.html. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

And we are off, Literally that is.

And so, it goes. A perfect example of a carefully planned Iowa 1600 statewide political caucus sites botched by their attempted use of an App to report results into a central location. Yes, you would be correct in thinking that most of the candidates tried to spin the news to their advantage. Most campaigns had ways of collecting info to gage where they would finish in the voting process. Nevertheless, they all tried to put the best spin in their favor. Those who finished lower in the count were glad that it was over, eager to get out of town on to New Hampshire and beyond.      

In the words of Iowa Democratic Party spokeswoman Mandy McClure, “This is simply a reporting issue, the app did not go down, and this is not a hack or an intrusion. The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will take time to report the results further.” Their official word is they are withholding the official results because of those inconsistencies.

I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to make up my mind for whom to vote. My criteria for service are simple, who can restore the integrity of the United States at home and abroad. And who can beat trump at any game he tries during the 2020 election process. 

Issues like health care cost, voting rights, immigration status, partisanship, jobs, infrastructure repair, criminal investigation of illegal political bribes, and climate care are at the top of my concerns. It is going to take time to correct Trump’s errors. Not to think of issues that he never addressed.

The last three years seem like double or triple that amount. Every day and I mean every day, there is an obnoxious, even outright lying tweet about something or the other. It’s a complete turnoff unless you happen to like the author.

Citizens look back at a time when there was at least civility in our politics. Now there are unflattering nicknames of anyone who disagrees with the white house. We ask for fairness in our elections. We hope to hear words that inspire our children from our political leaders. We wonder if there are senators who realize their images, words and votes are subscribe for history daily. Can they foresee their adult grandchildren reading their words, trying to understand why they voted a certain way during the impeachment trial? For all that matters, it looks to the outsider as if they don’t care how they come across to others.

Now, we all must do our part to prevent another term from the current president while we all wonder how can survive another four years, if reelected, of Trump. Our vote in November is mandatory. Just as it must go to someone who can oust the current president, God bless and save this nation.   

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at https://redheadedbooklover.com/gracie-hall-hampton-codis-hampton-ii/  Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions   

Get any of his books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/ and http://www.chiia.com/home.html. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Unchon-ni, South Korea, I remember 1962-63

   Strike up a conversation with most people who were young, free, and enjoyed American life in the sixties. You will hear, maybe even feel their urgency to bring back the nostalgia of being young during that era. It was a time, whereas the overall feeling of most people in this country was to live life to its fullest, be what you wanted to be, above all else, be happy. We not only enjoyed it for ourselves but wanted our kinfolk, friends, and neighbors to discover a path to the American Dream. Flower Power, Hippies, Love Child, Soul Brother, names we used to describe certain groups, all while wishing them “Peace, Love, and Soul.”  Find your road to happiness my man, my brother, my sister. Frequently we gave them marijuana joints as fuel for the journey. Some use harder drugs to get there, but everyone was at least taking the trip. Today, most people feel the same but are not as overt with their feelings as back in the day.

It was tough climbing the mountain of change, even though we savored the rewards. Older, conservative folks despised this new attitude. Young black folks were especially having a though transition. Their more discipline parents advised them to act in a more servitude manner in the presence of the southern white man. Don’t stare, look down, don’t talk, don’t dare talk back or act as a smart mouth negro in front of white people. It was the way most of them survived the Jim Crow Era. Black people ought to feel damn proud of the way our ancestors survived thought-out the ages. Without their efforts, patience we wouldn’t be alive today.

In the forties-fifties, they migrated to northern, eastern, and western cities, looking to improve their livelihood with good-paying jobs. They still practiced the same habits; felt that was the best way to get along with white folks. Don’t take their jobs, move in their neighborhoods, take liberties with their kind offerings. And for God’s sake, don’t try to court any of their offspring. Otherwise, a telephone pole would work just as good as a hanging tree.

The problems came when their children grew up in these cities. Youngsters found out that all people were pretty much the same, and no race was better than the other. As a result, they were having none of that servitude behavior. We did not accept our lowly position without objection. In some cases, they were sneaking around with people outside their race, even kissing or doing that thang with them. They didn’t want to disappoint their parents, but then you know the mantra of young folk, “Ahhh…we’re just having fun.”

Let’s take this a step further; I’ve written a semi-autobiography book detailing a lot about my life as one of the black children of the sixties. I left high school and enlisted in the United States Army during the fall of 1961. I had to beg my father to let me join as a seventeen-year-old recruit by promising to finish high school in the Army.

That young black boy’s first assignment out of Ford Ord, California, was a foreign country. It was April of 1962. As ordered, he boarded a troop ship out of Oakland, CA. By that time, he’d gone through Basic; Advanced Infantry Training. Now on a troopship for a twenty-three-day trip with stops in Hawaii, and Tokyo. Upon his arrival in Pusan, Korea, the Army already proved to him that he had joined the ultimate men’s club. They had rules to govern the rules. It was going to be a long three years, he thought.

His assignment to Camp Kaiser, with a local village right outside the main gate called Unchon-ni, turned out to be the best thing to happen to him. First, daily training, practice with your brothers in arms, the American Soldier. It was a fourteen months indoctrination of a war-torn country. We had a very clear understanding of our mission; to stop any advancement into the south by Charlie (North Korean Soldiers). As it was small groups (four, five, or a few more), North Korean Soldiers crossed the DMZ to raise hell, spy, or whatever.

Black GI’s are confronted with duty, honor, confusing because of race issues, demonstrations, back home. Given the oath they swore to when entering the Army, they had no choice but to become exceptional soldiers as did any dog soldier, no matter their race or origin. They found ways to justify their obedience while not sacrificing their racial identities. A quick right cross to Jim Crow’s jaw normally resolved any outstanding issues. That attitude brought about the question, what about the non-violent demeanor as played out in the US of A Civil Rights demonstrations? Conflict of responsibility between race and Army obligations was a daily reminder for Uncle Sams black soldiers.

Unchon-ni camp-town girls made the entire tour assignment worth the experience. Without flaws, they expertly played the part of girlfriend, wife, next-door neighbor, sister, brother, psychologist, nursemaid; you name it. They allowed the American GI to mature, expand their knowledge of the opposite sex. They duplicated as close to a sense of home life as one could ever wish for daily.

Readers can examine the flashback events that the primary character (Author) remembered in his life. I call this book my semi-biography that culminates with my maturing as a person. They said at the time, the US Army would make a man out of you. One learns certain things by accident. From my perspective, given the help of South Korea assignment, mission accomplished.

Unchon-ni is not only a must-read for anybody interested in the life and times of our servicemen stationed overseas.  It’s an emotional exercise in men and women relationships from all walks of life. In other words, it’s a book for anyone interested in following the path of a seventeen-year-old GI discovering who he is, where he fits in then and later in society. The experience was so rich, so real; I just had to share it with you.  

The novel is available in all formats, including paperback, B&N Nook, Amazon Kindle, or download a PDF copy. Check out the novel’s details located at the Author/Publishers site at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni

Peace, Love, & Blessings

Codis Hampton II, Unchon-ni Author

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment