Folks who don’t believe in talking are missing the point

The last article we wrote was about many people discussing this, that, and the other. Often, they’re talking to family, associates, and friends about whatever.

Well, this article is about those who keep to themselves. You know…the ones you can barely get a hello from, much less a complete sentence. They say they are busy, don’t have time, or have nothing to say to you.

An old saying indicates that you will undoubtedly speak to the deceased at their gravesite if you don’t talk to family, friends, or acquaintances while they are alive. I don’t know about you, but I love a two-way conversation rather than a one-way, especially if the person is deceased.

Like many of you, I had problems with my parents, a few other relatives, and many acquaintances. Out of respect, I concluded people will not be who you want them to be. They, especially my older generation, are who they are; that is what you get around them. I, being an old-school admirer, simply because of the Jim Crow crap they had to endure, found their conversations enlightening. Most of my Arkansas-bred folk didn’t have a high school education. Yet, they were intelligent and capable of getting things done to support their family while enjoying a particular lifestyle. They were indeed men and women of substance.

On the other hand, I have no issues talking to anybody. If anything, I may have talked too much in my younger days. I got better at it as I matured. I learned to be respectful of folk’s feelings. That didn’t mean I lied to them or didn’t mention certain subjects. It just meant I learned how to speak to people without being offensive. I checked my attitude, putting it on the shelf. People want to get things done while allowing relationships to flourish. That was a perfect way to approach a project, no matter how small or large. My father warned me, “Boy, think before you say something.” Frankly, I have continued to learn ways of communicating in my field of employment. Yet I maintained an edge where I could speak in specific business terms using street verbiage. It was very seldom that I had to use that tactic, but it was at my disposal. The point I am making here is that people of color must be comfortable in either environment. You should be articulate in the boardroom or just as real on the corner.

And just as an aside, nobody should ever have trouble speaking to their mother, father, relatives, friends, or associates. If they cannot find the time or words to talk with the group mentioned above, they only need to look in the mirror to find the source of their problem. Regardless of their feelings at a particular time, people welcome honest conversations with almost anybody, especially their relatives. You don’t have to agree with each other’s approach to anything. That kind of outlook can be put on the shelf. Shared courtesy of how you are doing is all needed in a general conversational exchange. Yet you need to understand life is not always about what you want. Time is moving fast for us all, not just one person. I can’t speak for everybody, but I don’t carry on personal conversations on social media or the internet. Call me, write to me, and we can have a conversation.   

My wife and I are in the baby boomers age bracket. Recently, we have lost more than a few friends. Of course, we’ve lost family members, including parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and playing cousins. It was just a lot of people we grew up knowing, and we loved having them available to speak with, play cards with, or hang out with. Sometimes, it gets to you after realizing these folks are no longer alive. One tends to retreat into one’s inner cycle, which has suddenly gotten smaller. I would love to be able to talk to my mother about those sorry Green Bay Packers. Or even my dad about the places he fished last weekend. I miss speaking with those two the most. I cannot think of a better place to find out who you are or where you came from than asking a parent. I wouldn’t attempt to speak with them on social media. Again, I will not carry on a personal conversation with you on Facebook—a general hello, etc., yes, but a deeper discussion, no. The shame is that some view this as personal contact with a person.

Do yourself a favor and make your relative proud. Show them you have more respect for yourself rather than exposing yourself to impress your social media friends. That is my advice for the day.  

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                                                    Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Everybody’s Talking – Some are up too Close and Personal

There is an ‘old Negro saying’ that reads like this, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Well, maybe it’s not an ‘old Negro saying’ because my father was not an old Negro when I first heard him say it. I can’t tell you exactly how old he was or when I first heard him say it. He might have gotten it from the slang of the time or some old friend. It was a favorite phrasing of my fathers, who repeated it continuously to anyone who didn’t quite know how to put a particular thought into words. It also made one correct an outright lie.

We know how people talk in the hood. If you go to any function, there is always some black person going through a nonstop rant about something or the other. However, sooner or later, there will be a short pause. That’s when you know they add or spin their story version.

Daddy used the phrase often when counseling me, especially when I’d done something wrong. There I was, trying to figure out how to put into words an excuse for why I did it. He’d patiently wait as if to say, “Let me see what he is going to say about this.” He knew there was no excuse. Yet I kept trying to justify why I did something I knew was wrong. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking to the man who oversaw punishing or counseling me for that error in judgment. Immaturely, I always felt that the punishment would be light if I could justify it. If I could make him laugh about it, I may even get off with a warning. At least, it was a nice thought. Let me tell you, those mental games I tried to play with my father? If I had succeeded once, I don’t remember it. I always thought, even today, that old man had a master’s degree in life itself.

Back in those days, black people felt that sending their kids to a Catholic school would ensure their children would get a good education. I remember thinking while walking to and from Milwaukee’s St Benedict de Moor. I wanted to go to the same school as my father. Why? Because that man knew something about everything. And another thing, he was no fool. That was another one of his favorite sayings. He would say, “I ain’t no fool, so don’t play me cheap.” I never did understand how the words’ fool’ and ‘cheap’ related to each other. But I and most people around him got the message and agreed with his statement.

The other day, I thought about my dad while watching a commercial of Donald Trump selling two-dollar bills with his mug picture. It made you wonder who would buy such a foolish thing. Then, I realized many of his MAGA followers would stock up on those bills. I can’t wait to see some of them wearing his $ 400-style tennis shoes. Wow, it’s unreal as to where some people’s heads are in this country these days.

As they always do, the thoughts stir up those memories of growing up in a household where ninety percent of the people who came into your house were relatives, and another five percent were your play cousins. I’m telling you, up until I was approaching thirteen years of age, I thought half the black people, a few Puerto Ricans, and a couple of white people in Milwaukee were related to me in some way.

They taught us sound values as children. Our parents, originally farmland country folk, may not have had a high school diploma. In the late forties and fifties, they moved north, west, and east to escape the segregated South. They arrived in places like California, New York, Chicago, and Milwaukee, looking for jobs and a place to raise a family. My mother and father left Arkansas, heading for Milwaukee four months after I was born.

They knew how to make ends meet. We never felt poor or were never hungry as kids growing up. No, we were not rich with dollars but with community and love. And there were rules in that community, no matter what adult a kid was talking to. You didn’t lie to an adult, you didn’t say bad words, you didn’t steal. And one that will probably make today’s young parents wish for those old days. You didn’t speak while grown people spoke. After the initial hello to a visitor, the kids didn’t stay in the same room, sitting on Auntie’s lap listening to grown folk conversations.

Back then, people didn’t use many unnecessary or phony descriptive words during their conversation. Most were short and to the point. There was no room for misinterpreting what was meant by someone. And usually, if you were dealing with a down-home person, as they used to call themselves, they meant what they were saying. If they said they were going to slap the mess out of you, you better duck or get hit.

Nowadays, there is a lot of talk. Everybody is talking. The children are talking. The teenagers are talking. The grown-ups are talking. The people on TV, in the grocery store, at the bank, at the gas station, the President, and other seemingly nonstop politicians’ ads or in person. Commentators and analysts on the radio. Sports reporters on ESPN, CNN, ABC, CBS, you name it, everybody has something to say. At least, they think they do.

Everybody’s mouth is moving. Words are spoken, but mostly, they have no real thought or meaning except for self-promotion. Some folks talk while knowing there is no purpose or clarity in their conversation. They are just talking because they think that is what they are supposed to do. There are times when you can interrupt a speaker to ask a question. There is just no telling what kind of response you get. They may try to make you look like a fool. Or they answer you with technical jargon that does not affect the conversation.

As noted, many of these people show up on our TVs as experts or supposedly speaking the truth. They are like carnival barkers. Unfortunately, some innocent folks base their decisions on what they hear instead of checking for the truth. Often, they are just trying to sell something, either a product or themselves. And even worse, they’re spouting some political line they know is false. Just think about it. If there were some truth litmus test before people started talking, we would all be better off in a more silent world.

We live in a ‘Get all up in your face’ society. Some want you to know and remember them. They’re taking their cues from the late Michal Jackson record. That is “They’re Bad.” I saw a guy on the news the other day punching another passenger while they were flying in a plane. What would happen if one of them threw something that broke the window? That behavior is one reason I no longer like to fly in an airplane. Some of these passengers on the place are crazy. And I am not talking about terrorists.

Too many people are carrying guns, concealed or in the open, depending upon the laws in your state. There is another saying from back in the day. If you carry a gun, somebody or something will make you use it. A newscaster commented the other day that up to this point, there were more mass shootings in the US this year than days on the calendar. That number would be forty-eight. Yet the NRA and Republics in some states are advocating that we arm the teachers. They want everyone to be able to carry a gun openly. Kids are already afraid to go to school. Their parents are worried from the time they leave home until they return.

When will we wise up and take our country in a new direction? Where is the politician, in a JFK, MLK, or BHO mode, that can lead this country on a democratic journey to self-assurance? A place where our children see growth and a bright future. Remember, this is our country, not the Republicans, MAGA, or any right-wing organization. This is the year; we need to make our voices heard…vote.

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                          Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

The Sixties, Ideas-Freedoms’ of the Past?

Again, we think we are coming out of a COVID19 environment only to be warned of predicted increasing cases this summer. People in this country are already stir-crazy, wanting to get out of the house, cities, town, or wherever they live now. We don’t care if it only involves driving to a nearby state. We long to see new scenery, state parks, or family amusement centers. At least that is my opinion.  

I am sick-n-tired of being serenaded by my neighbor’s Pit Bull’s vicious growls. He barks and lunges at the wooden fence separating our yard every time I step into my backyard. Believe me when I say the animal isn’t discriminative because it barks at anything that moves in our yard. That would include the Terminix person or anyone else. I spoke to the father of the son who owns the dogs. He seems convinced that it’s the barking that irritates me. In other words, live with it is his message.

Now they have the nerve to add a pit bull puppy. The puppy’s job is to learn how to bark, just like the older dog. Some people have no consideration for another’s rights. I should also clarify that my neighbor and I are of the same race. By the time this summer rolls around, I intend to take some legal action that provides peace to our yard. My wife and I like to bar-b-que in our yard. We have plants in the yard requiring maintenance despite the drought. We are senior citizens with medical issues. Don’t we have the right to our way of life without animals trying to scale the fence to attack whoever is on the other side?

Baby Boomers can count themselves lucky to be born in such an enterprising era in American history. Remember the freedom just to be yourself felt in the sixties? Do what you want, go where you want, and associate with who you wish to, even though a conservative society may disapprove of your choice. Just think about all we have seen or witnessed in person—the greatest of artists from all aspects of the social, entertainment, or sports world. The talent exhibited and contributed to our society by people of all races. People from all walks of life have amazed us. Each generation since the sixties has had a front-row seat within the last seventy years, even participating in the ever-changing technology and improved medical capabilities. It was fun while it lasted, folks.

Browsing through family pictures on my computer is an excellent way to spend a morning. There is nothing like looking at old photos to remind you of past good times. I remember an era when a person felt free to speak, write or have an opposing opinion. Instead, every publicized non-conservative statement is met with immediate comments and even death threats via social media. As kids, we learned to respect our neighbors, including their property and the right to exist next door to us. But can we honestly say that about some people next door or down the street? Do they have the same consideration for anybody other than themselves?

A great example would be the wear a mask or not debate. Some think it’s an American right or wrong question. Typically, those types of people go to extremes to prove a point that is, at best unhealthy to themselves and the people around them.  

In addition, we have gone through a period of political change in America. Gone are the ideas people want to see their fellow citizens succeed in whatever pursued endeavor. Instead, we see all types of referrals to MAGA, or “Make America Great Again.” As if that is what many white folks need to feel good about themselves. Most Democrats, including numerous races of color, voted for politicians of character, people who went to Washington to change America for the better for all. At least, that was the intent of gaining our support and vote—far too many, especially in the Republican Party. Unfortunately, that is not the case today. Republican politicians see it as a winning nugget in their campaign because they feel that is the belief of their constituency.

In some cases, it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s at the expense of American Democracy. Sadly, as has been reported in polling, interviews at Trump-type rallies, or other Republican political gatherings in many areas in this country. Unfortunately, some folks harbor that very attitude. More and more instances point to an ugly resentment for people of color’s success, supposedly at the expense of white power, plain and simple.   

We are growing terrorists allowing them to arm themselves as if they are going to war. These people take it upon themselves to deal out death and destruction to protect the privileges of those still in the majority in this country. Recent examples are the Tops Supermarket killings in Buffalo, New York, and the Texas Robb Elementary school massacre of third, fourth, and fifth-grade children. Each shooter is an eighteen-year-old individual with the Tops Supermarket killer evidence as a white supremacist who believes in those extreme theories. Both killings happen within a week of each other.

Many are pushing the Critical Race Theory. Although they fear their majority is in danger of disappearing year by year. Their shrinking numbers contribute to the extreme theory that white people will be eradicated and replaced by people of color. If this weren’t serious, it would be comical to think how long race eradication would take, with immigration and having more babies than another race as primary acts. Yet no matter how idiotic we may think of the theory, it is out there for consideration to unstable minds.  

Suddenly, many liberal progressive thinking white folks stepped back while wondering if their power capabilities were being taken away by others.

We would do well to heed the following words of our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln. “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country…corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

That is an accurate statement about money in the hands of a few. Some direct political cash contributions toward certain politicians they know for sale.

Here is one more for the road from our historically gifted past, President Lincoln. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Meanwhile, Republicans continually block any attempt to limit Americans’ access to Assault style rifles that are war weapons. I implore you to think about their stances and rhetoric as we go through the mid-term elections of 2022. Some people could care less if we improve as a nation. Their primary concern is what they can get out of it. Sometimes it seems as though we have turned the clock back to a time before the Civil War in this country.   

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                    Author & Commentator

Our new book, “The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my Authors Page The webpage URL is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Unnecessary use of an Adjective

Do you ever notice many people who use words like Unconditional or Unapologetic are often making an obvious point?

For instance, I’ve noticed some like to use say “Unconditional Love.” Frequently they are putting another person on notice as to how they should behave in a relationship. To love, regardless of the relationship, doesn’t require an adjective to improve the intensity of the emotion. All that is needed are reasons to feel that way about something or someone.

Love is a given; one doesn’t have to describe it in some unique way.  We don’t wait for someone to fall in love with us before we, in turn, love them. If they are our offspring, siblings, or parents, we love them because of our relationship. There are no other qualifications they have to go through to earn our love. The emotion is not always mutual or shared between two people. The explanation could be for numerous reasons. Whatever the reason, placing such an adjective in front of the word, love is not going to enable the other person to love you.

Say, for instance, your sibling, son, or daughter is socially challenged. They don’t interact with other people. Their social ideas are out of whack. Don’t have or can’t keep a friend, immature; they depend upon others to keep them fed, clothed, housed in a place to exist. Attempting to motivate these individuals is an endless exercise with no end in sight.

No one wants to take care of a grown man or woman. Relatives want you to succeed, show improvement, or at least try to become independent. If there are no signs that you are trying, one might be confronted with another adjective. Your relatives may indicate “Tough Love” is what you need, in place of money, or providing other subsistence items.

Tough Love may not be what they envision as assistance, yet it is the best remedy for individuals requiring motivation. Sometimes people need a reason to achieve the basics of need. Don’t underestimate a swift shove in the rear to get a person headed in the right direction.

Then there is the boisterous individual. The one who feels they have to get in your face to facilitate some response. We as Americans tend to overstate the urgency of something or the other. For instance, a man trying to make a point by stating he is “Unapologetic Black.”

The individual places his picture on a poster advertising his business. Keep in mind he wants some cooperation from outside his company. First of all, they can tell his race by looking at his picture on the poster. Or if there is no poster, those who he approaches will know his skin color.         

“Unapologetic Black” is a way of puffing up, sticking your chest out, which can intimidate the very people you need to cooperate with your plan. If not intimidation, then think of it as a turnoff.

It’s like sending an email to someone, whereas the entire communication is in capital letters. In such cases, one cannot get to the message because the all-caps smothering the wording.

That may not be the person’s intention, but someone will conclude the senders’ personality as uneducated. Or in the case of the guy on the poster, an angry, uncooperative individual.

As the face of your business, you have to show you’re able to converse in a way to satisfy investors, customers, or your employees. Any correspondence that reaches those people before you do will reflect your personality. In other words, your ability to listen to other ideas may get you that contract, loan, or donation.

One may consider these ideas as you are preparing a resume. You don’t know the personality of the Human Resource person. You must be smart when you are listing your hobbies. Somebody might be impressed if you are a dog lover, musician, or love Rhythm and Blues. That might interest the employer to place you above another individual.

Another way to think about this entire thought process is pretty much self-explanatory words matter in all types of communication. Words express how one feels, what they are going to do, even explain what one has done.

In summation, an adjective is a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to, or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. Think before using them carelessly. Make sure they help you rather than turn people away from you. It applies to business or life.    

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Musical Shows at Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni, South Korea; I Remember 1962-63. Check out the details at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships are questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at  Click on the publisher-Authors page at   

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

And we are off, Literally that is.

And so, it goes. A perfect example of a carefully planned Iowa 1600 statewide political caucus sites botched by their attempted use of an App to report results into a central location. Yes, you would be correct in thinking that most of the candidates tried to spin the news to their advantage. Most campaigns had ways of collecting info to gage where they would finish in the voting process. Nevertheless, they all tried to put the best spin in their favor. Those who finished lower in the count were glad that it was over, eager to get out of town on to New Hampshire and beyond.      

In the words of Iowa Democratic Party spokeswoman Mandy McClure, “This is simply a reporting issue, the app did not go down, and this is not a hack or an intrusion. The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will take time to report the results further.” Their official word is they are withholding the official results because of those inconsistencies.

I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to make up my mind for whom to vote. My criteria for service are simple, who can restore the integrity of the United States at home and abroad. And who can beat trump at any game he tries during the 2020 election process. 

Issues like health care cost, voting rights, immigration status, partisanship, jobs, infrastructure repair, criminal investigation of illegal political bribes, and climate care are at the top of my concerns. It is going to take time to correct Trump’s errors. Not to think of issues that he never addressed.

The last three years seem like double or triple that amount. Every day and I mean every day, there is an obnoxious, even outright lying tweet about something or the other. It’s a complete turnoff unless you happen to like the author.

Citizens look back at a time when there was at least civility in our politics. Now there are unflattering nicknames of anyone who disagrees with the white house. We ask for fairness in our elections. We hope to hear words that inspire our children from our political leaders. We wonder if there are senators who realize their images, words and votes are subscribe for history daily. Can they foresee their adult grandchildren reading their words, trying to understand why they voted a certain way during the impeachment trial? For all that matters, it looks to the outsider as if they don’t care how they come across to others.

Now, we all must do our part to prevent another term from the current president while we all wonder how can survive another four years, if reelected, of Trump. Our vote in November is mandatory. Just as it must go to someone who can oust the current president, God bless and save this nation.   

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at  Click on the publisher-Authors page at   

Get any of his books by visiting my Authors page at

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Will The Real Candidate Please Stand Up

I tried to lay low during the first part of the 2020 National Election. I didn’t want to comment too early about any candidate, especially the guy that sits in the White House as President. We are now in November of 2019. One year away, too early, but the Iowa Caucus set for February 3, 2020. So here we go, as I attempt to keep the focus on the process.

A couple, if not a few people, are contemplating entering an already crowded field. Why, because the Democratic leaders in the polls are vulnerable. It doesn’t matter why because the vulnerability seems uncorrectable.

Independent/Democratic/Democratic-leaning Republicans, many still undecided even if they have named one of the leading Poll individuals are worried about the outcome of next year’s November vote. That noise you hear is their teeth gnashing, the scratching of fingernails on their windowpanes, or bohemia like screams. In short, most Americans are sick and tired of seeing a Presidency run on the fly along with a Twitter run policy initiator.

Every day, this country goes through stops, starts, hour by hour changes in direction with a constant flow of unqualified people placed in a highly visible governmental position — many on a temporary status. It’s sad to think of all the necessary investigations surrounding the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. To think there could be four more years of this environment is just too much.

Therefore, we are looking for one person who can take charge, step up to the plate and hit one out of the ballpark. We need a candidate that can and will win in November of 2020. Most of us thought we had one. But we have found too many variables. There is just too much uncertainty for our nerves.

When we cast our vote next November, we want to feel that our choice has a chance to win. Our winner is going to be very busy mending fences with pretty much all our Allies and friends throughout the world. Not to think of all the correction/refocusing to just about everything you can think of at the Government level. I bet you the actual White House is in bad shape too.    

So please, for God’s sake, will the real candidate please sign up, step up or stand up and let themselves be known to an anxious public. Let the Democratic voting public know how you can fix problems and govern. Then and only then will the case be closed, with history set to record the how, why, when, and what the hell happened the previous four years.

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,   

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo     

Look for our newly released book, Unchon-ni, South Korea, I Remember 1962-63. Keep us in mind when buying books for that avid reader in your family. Details of the must-read novels are located at    

Or visit our Authors page at

Our Parent Company’s sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Tis The 2018 Holiday Season

Tis the season, so on and so on. I love the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year holiday season. I, like all, are reminded of our childhood seasons. Our young adult seasons come to mind. We think of those who have passed on as well as those who are still here with us. Out thoughts shift to old friends. We muse about new friends. People we would love to meet, greet, spend time in conversation.

We love seeing the excitement on our loved one’s faces as they reminisce about a happy time in 2018. We enjoy watching them open gifts. The surprise on their faces as they feel you have connected with their innermost wishes. Then there are the pensive thoughts going through their minds — thoughts along with excitement about the known versus the unknown in the coming year.The point is watching holiday reactions from your family, friends, or your main squeeze is a seasonal high. Times you must personally experience. You’ve got to be there, be involved in appreciating it fully. Your involvement is the ultimate high.

Oh, by the way. Whose bright idea was it to have the Mall Santa Clause walk around the facility soliciting “Selfies” instead of taking pictures with children on his lap.

Tis the time of the year when we tend to forget silly feuds, personal dislikes that don’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. You think your savior for allowing you, family members to make it through another year. Somehow you have a different or at least an adjusted attitude about life. Personal accomplishments only add to the good feelings.

We are still a realist for we have no illusions about the defective political thinking that are initiated by the White House. We think that victories as a result of the mid-terms will bring about change from the rapid deterioration of social customs. Indeed, if not the act of sociability, period. Those who voted for a change should have restored any dwindling confidence in our American resolve to maintain American values.

Over the year, we saw our children-adult toys become smarter, more complicated for the end-user. Robotic or personal items we never thought we’d see so soon back in the eighties or nineties. They’ve become essentials in 2018. For instances, without a smartphone, we are not as smart.

My son and I are continually having this conversation about the use of drones to deliver goods to your front door. I think regulation’srequired before allowing them to fly free, untethered, all Willie-nillie through the air. Think delivery of Amazon orders.

How big are the boxes? Does that mean the drones will have to be larger to match the box size? How long will it take a competitor like United Parcel, FedEx, or even the United States Post Office to initiate a Drone-Delivery Program? What’s to say they won’t fly into each other? How high will they fly? What does it mean to other airspace vehicles like helicopters, etc. if anything. And the obvious question. What happens when the drone accidental drops a package during delivery? Suppose the package falls on a moving automobile, a pedestrian, or group of children walking to school. The point being, there needs to be airspace regulation before we fill the air with drones flying all over the place. So far, no major issues but we are in the early stages.

The one thing we always take from these type holiday seasons is that our time is brief on earth. Especially around New Year’s Day. While younger, we may think we have a long time for whatever. The sudden realization in our thirties is a reminder that our time-clock is ticking. Anytime after that, most of us grasped the idea that we have an expiration date. We don’t have to like it, but we all are going to die.

Our legacy is in our hands. It’s up to us to leave behind a positive impression to anyone who has an interest that we once lived on this earth. Maybe a lot of people don’tcare or think it’s a depressing thought. For me, earning money is no longer my mantra. It is important that anyone looking up my name will find my writings. In which they will also find that I cared deeply about my family, friends, country, and heritage. I would also add God first and foremost. That for me is legacy enough. How about you?

Happy Holliday’s to you and yours. I’m looking forward to an eventful 2019.

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

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We are in a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of my Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of my latest and fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Click on the publisher-Authors page at  

Get any of my books by visiting my Authors page at

Look for our new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2019. We love to pass on our written word. Not because we think we are so great but that you understand there are people out there that think as you do – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Dalila (DD) Dynes, Philanthropist & Entrepreneur

Dalila (DD) Dynes, a practicing hair stylist was the owner-manager of a North Oakland Salon for the last sixteen years. Her specialty was serving a diverse clientele with varying hair color and texture. “There weren’t any salons catering to all humans, so I opened one,” she says. It was a full-service business that housed a Jacuzzi Spa and massage service. Her customers also enjoy the garden patio, art gallery and performance stage as accouterments to her business.

There’s more to this Oakland born and raised Philanthropist. She’s an award-winning (Oakland Fence Project) photographer with a social conscience. DD is an entrepreneur who has a passion for the world of art, along with all forms of expression from the perspective of an artist.

She recently closed her salon for a year, opening a 600 square foot photography studio. “My photography is used to tell stories, to inspire, to communicate. I help my clients by capturing the images they want to convey. By listening to their needs, I create fantastic images. Any occasion; albeit portraits, wedding, professional employment, boudoir, or social setting for dating. Let us help you make a great first impression!”

DD’s Alameda-based studio offers a gallery showing the art of all mediums including music. She has included Live Streaming (#thecurrentpress) to the internet.  Her interest in the success of another artist within our Bay Area communities was a prime motivator for taking on such a venture. “The Current,” ( style and shoot photography, helps professionals personal branding by offering styling and hair services as well as on-site photo shoots.

She has developed a collaborative artist series to benefit a different children’s organization every month. The series has multiple benefits to all who participate in an event. The event itself is important because art is universal, meaning each event will consist of people from all age groups and backgrounds. DD says “When people come together in agreement they begin to find more ways to agree.”

A participating artist can offer art for sale. Keeping in mind, we are talking about an artist of all types. Any artist can craft their show, exhibit and exposed to various demographics and markets they were not privy to in the past.  They are provided tickets to invite the press, investors or whoever they want to attend their exhibition or performance. For those investors who cannot attend, they have computer access to the best talent in the Bay Area.


DD April 22 Show                DD's April 22 Show

As noted by the pictures above for the last show. In fact, Oakland and other Bay Area Residents who long for culture art and authentic Bay-ness can get inexpensive tickets to a wonderful event. She offers a “swanky art gallery with awesome parking.” And the kicker is since it benefits a children’s organization, the tickets and event expenses are tax deductible. Once again, children’s organizations get money and free marketing for their entities day to day expenses.

All artist participation is voluntary and free. The children’s or group recipients change on a monthly basis.

DD will be a guest on our May 4th Blog Talk Radio show,

Join us for a lively discussion of Dalila (DD) Dynes new direction as a Philanthropist and Entrepreneur.

Peace, make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,


Codis Hampton II

Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Subscribe to this blog at

Join us at the live broadcast of our bimonthly BTR Shows at

“In my latest book, Remember Moz, Gracie & John Hampton’s First-Born, I wanted to tell the world about a unique individual. Not because he happened to be my father but to explain who he was, where he came from, and how he evolved into the man he became up until his death. In doing so, I wrote of his ancestor’s roots back to and through the Civil War. The inclusion of his birth and upbringing in the heart of Arkansas, or Jim Crow country, add southern reluctance to learn why our country involved itself in a bloodthirsty four-year exercise in the first place? Then you begin to understand why, our parents behaved the way that they did. See if I captured the essence of this paragraph.” Get the book via the Authors Page at

Or visit my Authors page at


Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at




Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment