Everybody’s Talking – Some are up too Close and Personal

There is an ‘old Negro saying’ that reads like this, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Well, maybe it’s not an ‘old Negro saying’ because my father was not an old Negro when I first heard him say it. I can’t tell you exactly how old he was or when I first heard him say it. He might have gotten it from the slang of the time or some old friend. It was a favorite phrasing of my fathers, who repeated it continuously to anyone who didn’t quite know how to put a particular thought into words. It also made one correct an outright lie.

We know how people talk in the hood. If you go to any function, there is always some black person going through a nonstop rant about something or the other. However, sooner or later, there will be a short pause. That’s when you know they add or spin their story version.

Daddy used the phrase often when counseling me, especially when I’d done something wrong. There I was, trying to figure out how to put into words an excuse for why I did it. He’d patiently wait as if to say, “Let me see what he is going to say about this.” He knew there was no excuse. Yet I kept trying to justify why I did something I knew was wrong. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking to the man who oversaw punishing or counseling me for that error in judgment. Immaturely, I always felt that the punishment would be light if I could justify it. If I could make him laugh about it, I may even get off with a warning. At least, it was a nice thought. Let me tell you, those mental games I tried to play with my father? If I had succeeded once, I don’t remember it. I always thought, even today, that old man had a master’s degree in life itself.

Back in those days, black people felt that sending their kids to a Catholic school would ensure their children would get a good education. I remember thinking while walking to and from Milwaukee’s St Benedict de Moor. I wanted to go to the same school as my father. Why? Because that man knew something about everything. And another thing, he was no fool. That was another one of his favorite sayings. He would say, “I ain’t no fool, so don’t play me cheap.” I never did understand how the words’ fool’ and ‘cheap’ related to each other. But I and most people around him got the message and agreed with his statement.

The other day, I thought about my dad while watching a commercial of Donald Trump selling two-dollar bills with his mug picture. It made you wonder who would buy such a foolish thing. Then, I realized many of his MAGA followers would stock up on those bills. I can’t wait to see some of them wearing his $ 400-style tennis shoes. Wow, it’s unreal as to where some people’s heads are in this country these days.

As they always do, the thoughts stir up those memories of growing up in a household where ninety percent of the people who came into your house were relatives, and another five percent were your play cousins. I’m telling you, up until I was approaching thirteen years of age, I thought half the black people, a few Puerto Ricans, and a couple of white people in Milwaukee were related to me in some way.

They taught us sound values as children. Our parents, originally farmland country folk, may not have had a high school diploma. In the late forties and fifties, they moved north, west, and east to escape the segregated South. They arrived in places like California, New York, Chicago, and Milwaukee, looking for jobs and a place to raise a family. My mother and father left Arkansas, heading for Milwaukee four months after I was born.

They knew how to make ends meet. We never felt poor or were never hungry as kids growing up. No, we were not rich with dollars but with community and love. And there were rules in that community, no matter what adult a kid was talking to. You didn’t lie to an adult, you didn’t say bad words, you didn’t steal. And one that will probably make today’s young parents wish for those old days. You didn’t speak while grown people spoke. After the initial hello to a visitor, the kids didn’t stay in the same room, sitting on Auntie’s lap listening to grown folk conversations.

Back then, people didn’t use many unnecessary or phony descriptive words during their conversation. Most were short and to the point. There was no room for misinterpreting what was meant by someone. And usually, if you were dealing with a down-home person, as they used to call themselves, they meant what they were saying. If they said they were going to slap the mess out of you, you better duck or get hit.

Nowadays, there is a lot of talk. Everybody is talking. The children are talking. The teenagers are talking. The grown-ups are talking. The people on TV, in the grocery store, at the bank, at the gas station, the President, and other seemingly nonstop politicians’ ads or in person. Commentators and analysts on the radio. Sports reporters on ESPN, CNN, ABC, CBS, you name it, everybody has something to say. At least, they think they do.

Everybody’s mouth is moving. Words are spoken, but mostly, they have no real thought or meaning except for self-promotion. Some folks talk while knowing there is no purpose or clarity in their conversation. They are just talking because they think that is what they are supposed to do. There are times when you can interrupt a speaker to ask a question. There is just no telling what kind of response you get. They may try to make you look like a fool. Or they answer you with technical jargon that does not affect the conversation.

As noted, many of these people show up on our TVs as experts or supposedly speaking the truth. They are like carnival barkers. Unfortunately, some innocent folks base their decisions on what they hear instead of checking for the truth. Often, they are just trying to sell something, either a product or themselves. And even worse, they’re spouting some political line they know is false. Just think about it. If there were some truth litmus test before people started talking, we would all be better off in a more silent world.

We live in a ‘Get all up in your face’ society. Some want you to know and remember them. They’re taking their cues from the late Michal Jackson record. That is “They’re Bad.” I saw a guy on the news the other day punching another passenger while they were flying in a plane. What would happen if one of them threw something that broke the window? That behavior is one reason I no longer like to fly in an airplane. Some of these passengers on the place are crazy. And I am not talking about terrorists.

Too many people are carrying guns, concealed or in the open, depending upon the laws in your state. There is another saying from back in the day. If you carry a gun, somebody or something will make you use it. A newscaster commented the other day that up to this point, there were more mass shootings in the US this year than days on the calendar. That number would be forty-eight. Yet the NRA and Republics in some states are advocating that we arm the teachers. They want everyone to be able to carry a gun openly. Kids are already afraid to go to school. Their parents are worried from the time they leave home until they return.

When will we wise up and take our country in a new direction? Where is the politician, in a JFK, MLK, or BHO mode, that can lead this country on a democratic journey to self-assurance? A place where our children see growth and a bright future. Remember, this is our country, not the Republicans, MAGA, or any right-wing organization. This is the year; we need to make our voices heard…vote.

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                          Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Who am I at the End of 2023?

(Article Updated from 7/4/04)

How often do we reach a point where we talk to someone daily or ask ourselves, who am I? The question usually is asked when we are going through some things. Something is out of balance in our lives, so we turn inward to ask questions to which we already know the answer. Why am I here, in this place, currently, a member of this family?

We must only look at our roots to find our souls’ origin. Most originated in Arkansas. The surnames are Belin ~ Childs ~ Green ~ Hall ~ Hampton ~Momon ~ Johnson ~ Phifer ~ Tatum ~ Trotter ~Wheller ~ Webb ~ Wright ~ Woods ~ Harmon ~ Falls ~ Hayes ~ Neal ~ Pickett ~ Purifoy ~ Strong ~ Griffin ~ Lovett ~ Gardner ~ Newton ~Wiley ~ Jones ~ Boswells ~ Wynter ~ White and Davis. One only needs to trace our ancestry to discover who we are and whence we originated.

Think of your great-grandmother great-grandfather. Mine are Sally (Davis) and David’ Sambo’ Hampton. My grandfather, John Hampton, was born in that union. He married my grandmother, Gracie Hall. My father, Codis Sr, was their firstborn. They were married, raising their own family in the heart of Arkansas Jim Crow’s South. They survived, even prospered, to provide our mothers and fathers a place on this earth. My parents were part of the black folk migration out of the South, headed east, west, or north, looking for a better way of life. Thus, my parents, aunts, uncles, and assorted cousins ended up in Milwaukee.

Big Mama, Big Papa, or old dude included when we look at our fathers and their family values. These are our people, our kinfolk whom we examined closely to find the depths of our character. At this stage in my life, I am the age my Grandparents, Uncles, and Cousins were toward the end of their existence on earth. I’ve laughed with my sister and cousins about that fact.

Don’t forget our sisters and brothers. Check out their mannerisms, how they talk, move, walk, fidget, twitch, or even when relaxing in a reflective mood. Look closely and ask questions about your heritage from those individuals. They will tell you who you are.

They may not explain it in words or actions you can readily see—answers entwined in stories about other relatives. You may pick up specific nuances in their southern or black person dialect. Some may call it Ebonics’…we call it family speaks. We can look at family members to see our characteristics. Or we can look in the mirror to see the product of our roots. The face staring back at you is who you are at any given time.

It’s funny, sometimes sad, that most knowledgeable relatives, familiar with our history because they lived it, have passed on to be with their maker, lord, and Savior. They didn’t have to be reminded by a political ad of the meaning of family. They remember what their parents and grandparents told them about being part of a family. They said family members with the same blood that runs through your veins are people you can count on when times are hard or when you need a helping hand. You can trust them. It would help if you did not misuse that trust.

For those who think we are dissing your homies. We know how you feel about your dog, your shorty, your squeeze, and the many other words of affection you may voice when speaking of someone close to you, someone you feel has your back. There is room for both family members and homies in your life. Facebook or other social media friends are not blood relatives. However, some may be better than a few blood relatives. We find no argument against a good social media friend. Yet, as noted, when it comes down to it, you are here because of the people who came before you. That happens to be factual and not up for debate.

We always like to emphasize that family comes first. Yet relationships, no matter the connection, are two ways, not one way. Unlike some who think they’re entitled to certain privileges because of their last name. You’re expected to contribute to the family’s reputation as a member in good standing. I often wonder how we, as baby boomers or graybeards, pass birthright to our offspring. How do we show you that blood is thicker than water? What do we need to do to make an impression on you? Even though television or movies stress individuality, including portraying what have you done for me lately attitudes. We must look to family for grounding.

We may hold monthly family get-togethers or dinners. We attend family reunions. Cousins who may not have known they were related meet and greet each other. The little kids can see they belong to more than just their immediate family. In other words, we can be who we want to be professionally. We can strive to reach the peak of our class. Some may soar above the clouds on the wings or a mentor. Others may achieve the ultimate personal satisfaction in any endeavor. Yet without someone to share it with, the accolades ring hollow after the initial celebration unless you have a family with whom to share a personal triumph.

Cliches like,” I knew you could do it, baby… that’s my son, my daughter”. A father said,” Son, I’m so proud of you today.” Or “Remember, sweetheart…wherever you go, you will still be daddy’s little girl.” You may have a crazy, lovable uncle to say, “That boy got all that stuff from me.” Or “that girl is the spitting image of her mother, my sister, and my dearly departed mother.” 

A wise man once said, “How can you get where you are going if you don’t know where you came from?” It doesn’t matter who someone else thinks we are. It does matter who we eventually become. We must ask ourselves if our ancestors would be proud of our accomplishments.

In this date and time, we are inundated with various crimes, daily shootings, a growing homeless population, family misunderstandings, unlawful and even prescribed drugs, along with an ever-growing impatient citizen who legally may be able to carry unconcealed weapons. Folks are getting fed up with the criminal element of our society, snatching and grabbing, among other things.

Our political process seems to be broken, drifting away from Democracy. A national election in 2024 with Trump heading for the Republican nomination? We remember the authoritative posture he represents. Are we headed for a dictator in the White House? All while the Democrat, current President Biden looks like his capability is in question. Why? Because of his age.  

Can you imagine all those folks at our borders clamoring to get into this country, adding to our problems? If they only knew. Our country seems to have less common sense, primarily in how we act toward others. Racism, homophobia, conservatism against liberals, some whites against anybody who isn’t, poor against the wealthy, you name it. The only people living prominent are the very rich in this country. The only way to change that situation is to vote people into office who are Americans without a destructive agenda. Slogans like “Make America Great Again” are a dog whistle to many anxious folks. For whatever reasons, they feel left out of the political process. They also want to be the ruling class. The question is, at what cost? My request of you is to be on guard. This is our country, too.   

Meanwhile, most of us live our daily lives dealing with the joys and sorrows contributing to our life experiences. Remember, we know who we are and what we stand for. That knowledge alone will help us get to where we are going.

Dedicated to my father, mother, stepmother…RIP Codis Sr, DoReatha Cole, and Rosalie Miller. To my uncles, aunts, cousins, Grand and Great Grandparents, thanks for the love and protection, along with providing an example for me to follow. It’s been a hell of a ride. A great life that I can genuinely say you ‘all laid the groundwork.

Happy Holidays, and may the new year of 2024 be as healthy and prosperous as you make it, from Sandra and Codis.

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                   Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

There’s That Word Again…Respect.

There is that word again: Respect.

 It seems every time a rapper opens their mouth, they demand respect. As do others… In fact, we have an entire generation of people who feel no one respects them. Disrespect is the mantra many younger and middle-aged folks tend to throw out when they need something to go their way. It always comes up when they have no answers to serious social skill questions. Most are smart enough to figure it out if they are honest with themselves. There lies the problem: they often bend the truth to fit their idea of solving an issue.

As a child, I was taught that respect is earned by an individual, not automatically given, because one belongs to humanity. I’ve found it to be more rewarding that way. Yes, this comes from me, who used to hate authoritarian figures. I always seemed to run into people I felt didn’t belong in specific positions. They didn’t communicate with people or consult them when making decisions about a company’s work processes. As Marvin Gaye says in one of his song titles, I am a Stubborn Kind of Fellow, especially about social issues.

According to my Encarta Dictionary, one meaning of respect is esteem: a feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward somebody or something, as winning colleagues’ respect.

Another definition is the state of being admired: The state of being admired deferentially.

And finally, characteristic: an individual characteristic or point. … satisfactory in all respects.  

From my perspective, it all points toward a person who should attempt to produce cooperation between all parties involved. Or at least as many as one can. Look at it from another viewpoint: a team cannot only show up, they still must play the game. That is, play it in a way that supports each player.  

As note, an entire generation of people think “give me my respect” should be an international law. Here is a thought: a person can love themselves and still be critical of making stupid decisions based upon inaccurate information or assumptions. There are no magic potions, selfish one-person-show, perfect individuals that will get everything done correctly. One can even imagine God looking on to see how successful the cooperating group can be with each other.

Everyone must bring something to the table for success, no matter the number of people or size of the organization. It also applies to couples, two friends, and family members’ attitudes towards each other. The idea is to realize a successful effort, maximizing your probabilities of achievement. That way, everyone wins, all walking away from the table happy with a feeling of accomplishment. There is no better feeling than being part of a successful group accomplishment. 

This can also work as a one-person project if you know where and who to go to for input about your idea. Instead of trying to make things work by communicating right, wrong, or indifferent, at least the parties are trying to talk it out. Some give up because they are too sensitive about someone hurting their feelings instead of concentrating on reaching a logical conclusion between all involved. There lies another problem with some folks. They are too sensitive in their interpretation of what another person says, and their concentration on the job is almost null and void. No one person lives in this world alone except a very lonely individual. I would much rather be known as a people person than an introvert who somehow reaches the wrong conclusion because they are debating themselves most inaccurately. To go through life as if you have it all together with yourself is stupid. It goes back to that old warning: he who selects themselves as their legal representative has a fool for a lawyer.

One of the first steps I took to reach maturity was to promise myself that I would no longer lie to myself. It’s a simple life. No need to complicate it with half-truths, misplaced observations, or downright lies to yourself to make you look good to who, yourself? Get real, please. It would be best to use personal or peer criticism as a steppingstone to self-improvement. You will find the road of life without several complications and a more leisurely trip to maneuver.

Remember, you and only you are in control of how you react to people’s right or wrong observations of you. Folks talked about Jesus Christ. You, my friend, must live your life to your expectations. And no rule says you can’t change how you associate it with whoever. Always treat people how you want to be treated; your associations will be much kinder and more natural.  

So, the next time you read or hear of somebody asking for respect with no concrete plan on how to earn the same. Realize you are dealing with a selfish individual who is immature regarding project building, workable solutions to ideas, or sustained process accomplishments—the size of the project matter. Surprise, they also like the qualities required to become involved in a loving and successful relationship.

 I’ve been involved in successful endeavors as well as failed projects. As you can guess, successful projects are the most rewarding. Working with others to reach a common goal gives a person a warm feeling. In the end, we are all working toward a prompt conclusion so that we may get into the real fun and games of everyday living. Think about that for a moment. At least, that’s my motivation. 

 Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                        Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

My Take on the Music Industry

When I was young, I thought I was smart. People told me I was smart. Oh, I noticed there were still kids more intelligent than me. Some had faster brain reactions. That became evident when I figured out problems or other class work. The fact that I was young and stupid (about so many things) didn’t deter me from the self-assurance of my brilliance. 

Yep, I pat myself on my back several times a day. My father would tell anyone I did that several times an hour. As I enter my senior year, I realize I am not as bright as I once thought. It’s funny how the passing of time clears up inevitable confusion for most of us. It’s better than being in a place where you never conclude you cannot excel at everything.

A few facts stand out during my baby boomer generation of life. Number one has to do with music. I never did get to play an instrument, although I had an excellent singing voice.

 To give you a little background, I’m an old-school music lover. As a young boy, I imitated the sounds of Brooke Benton, Sam Cooke, Chuck Berry, and even Bobby Blue Bland. I grew into manhood with Motown, the Temptations, Marvin Gaye, O’Jays, Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes featuring Teddy Pendergrass, The Commodores featuring Lionel Ritchie, Al Green, James Brown, The Isley Brothers, migrating to and filling my soul with the funk. Acts like Sly and the Family Stone, Earth, Wind, & Fire, Confunction, Maze, Ohio Players, Parliament, Slave, Rick James, Rufus & Chaka Khan had an entire era of putting the funk in whatever we did. Meanwhile, being a product of the late sixties and early seventies, I protested by joining the music of Curtis Mayfield, Bobby Womack, Marvin Gaye, Donny Hathaway, and even Bob Dylan. From there I graduated to smooth Jazz by the Crusaders, Ronnie Laws, Eric Gale, Donald Byrd, and The Blackbyrd’s. In short, I wasn’t just attracted to the lyrics. The sound of a record or performer’s musical notes struck suitable accord with me. 

Upon turning 21 years old, one of the most expensive units in my household was the stereo system, including the speakers. That practice only increased after I got married a few years later. Clarity of sound was my mantra. One could say I became a musical connoisseur. That was also when I found specific genres, Country-western, Blues, which I laughed at as a kid, or Rock, that attracted my attention. Surprise…surprise, like a musical performer, I evolved to understand how the instrumentals and lyrics complement each other in a song. Adding the performer’s appearance, song delivery, and dedication to craft enhanced my envy of them. 

You may have noticed I left out Rap. My reasoning is simple. One of the most lasting contributions from the Rap Artists is their ability to take earnings from performances and record sales and turn those funds into a viable business entity, contributing to their rise in wealth. It was no small accomplishment, given earlier artists’ lack of the same. As for musical talents, sampling gets in the way of their musical contributions. Add that to their reasoning that just because you Rap about your neighborhood issues does not speak to the world’s problems. It only allows you to verbalize about specific environmental occurrences. It is naivete to think that you, your crew, or others around you are experiencing everything life offers…My brother, please get real.

I know, I know, some who act as though they were born yesterday think they have a meaningful handle on the talents of Biggy Small, Tupac, LL Cool Jay, and an assortment of rappers. The only problem is they are not musicians. They have no training, industry practice, or identity outside of hip-hop. They are only holding a place for a natural performer.  

As for me, I’ve found ways to satisfy my shortcomings as a musician, performer, and frustrated singer. I play some of my favorite cuts as a host on Saturday morning. I’ve gotten decent reviews from the two to three-hour offering. I could probably get a good following if I was more consistent. This last time away was caused by selling an old home buying and moving into a new home at a new city’s location. I’ve got a story to tell you there, but then enough about the frustrations of moving after twenty-five years in Pittsburg.

Finally, I’m here to say…I am still kicking it from a new Rio Vista, CA, location. I am no longer in the Bay Area. As noted, I’m in the Delta, still doing my own thing. Check me out at https://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica/2023/09/09/im-back-up-close-and-personal-hsfrhc-vol-xciv-or-simply-94

Listen to part of it at a time, all of it, or repeatedly. You will not be disappointed.            

Peace, blessings, stay healthy and be vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                        Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my author webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Patience, Customer Service, or wishing humanity the best is a lost Art.

Frequently, older folks begin tripping at any suggestion by a youngster that they are losing some skill or another. Think of memory of family contact or events, even occurrences with those critical to our memory. We may not be as quick in mind or physically as in the past. Now, we seem so much slower in our response to their request.

Physically, we may use a cane or walker to get around. There is nothing like watching the impatience of someone waiting on someone requiring those tools to walk. Oh, they are fine initially, but their patience wears out as time goes on. You can almost see the willingness to assist in the beginning turn to annoyance after dealing with the older person after a while. It’s that they are on the move, and anything that slows them down affects their required life cycle speed, if you get my drift.

Don’t get me wrong. Most are glad to assist an older individual for a few minutes. Anything longer than that depends upon your relationship. It helps if it’s your grandson or other close relative.

As old timers, we can recall we were just like them. We always had something to do, somewhere to go, late for a meeting, or, heavens forbid, a date with the opposite sex. Like today’s youngsters, we were always in a hurry to be somewhere. Even if that somewhere was to hang out on the corner with our friends.

Customer service or general consideration of another person’s space in our orbit seems lost. Even if you have no handicaps, shopping in stores, eating in restaurants, or even going through the fast-food drive-through can be an experience. People seem not to have a minute to waste when getting your food. You better get in the habit of checking your bag to see if they completed your order. Nothing grinds your nerves as to get home to find something missing or not, as you requested at the outset.

Some folks pushing grocery store shopping carts are oblivious to their whereabouts. They are blocking your advancement. Or they think they are racing at the Indianapolis 500 speedway. That is evident when you head for the checkout line. They act like they don’t see you heading in the same direction. A picture worth a thousand-dollar price is the one that has their kid in the seat of the cart. The child is either laughing at the sudden burst of speed or turning quiet, hoping their parent will not have a wreck rushing to the checkout cash register.

How about dealing with a telephone customer service representative? If you have computer issues, you better be prepared to listen to the rep reading from a script of possible customer errors. This is almost always followed by insisting you unplug this and hook up that before they request access to your computer. They will practically ignore your answers to their questions until they finish reading the script.

And finally, those who rang your doorbell. It makes no difference if you have a “No Soliciting Sign on your house. I have one, but they act as though they didn’t see it when you ask about it. They are just in the neighborhood, they begin. How much do you pay for your monthly electric bill? They continue by expressing how much they will save you on that bill; sign up with us. Your charge is on your monthly energy bill.

They get offended if you are adamant about keeping your current setup and fees. “You mean you don’t want to save money.” You practically must insist they leave. You may have to slam the door on their faces to get them to move along.

The bottom line is this. Baby Boomers went through their twenties and thirties when society changed to a more liberal attitude period. We all wanted the best for people we had not met. It was an overall ‘wish you well,’ man. We inherited our parents’ work ethic. Becoming employed, we took on the responsibility of job performance as a leading criterion for promotions or other career advancements. Overall, we treated others like we wanted to be treated whenever we encountered them.

Then, Ronald Reagan became president. He addressed those “I got mine, and I don’t care about you” attitudes. Since then, Conservatism has moved closer to first place in exchange for more liberal thoughts toward our neighbors or friends.

The entertainment world reflected the free-spirited Baby Boomers era. Despite the hatred, this is still harbored by certain groups of folks. The great majority didn’t mind lending a hand to see our fellow humans lift themselves and earn their piece of the American Pie.

Ever since Reagan became president, we’ve gone in the opposite direction. Reagan’s administration instituted and changed more liberal laws. That practice continued with each Republican administration. Today, we have evolved into a ‘get out of my face before I hurt you’ type of people. In other words, ‘who let the dogs out’…Donald Trump. We don’t seem to have any patience with anybody, no matter their handicap. It’s all about I got mine. And I’ll take yours too if you are not careful.

Add that to the Wild West syndrome of backup before I shoot because I don’t like your kind. Or some other folks, taking the law into their own hands after drinking the right-wing rhetoric water of lying. Kids are shooting each other at our children’s parties or schools. What the…? The NRA doesn’t care; let anybody have as many weapons as they want, military-style or whatever. Surprise, surprise, all creeds and colors are in play.

For those of us who have seen a different America, it is sad to see the attitude change. We wonder how far our society is going to drift in this direction. When will we change course, if ever again?      

 Peace, blessings, stay healthy, and vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                                                                     Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my Authors webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at our Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

It’s a Matter of Class…not a Classless Indvidual

One of my pet peeves is participating in a good debate. It doesn’t matter who it’s with; it can be a family member or a total stranger. Or, this person would be necessary with anyone at your place of employment. People, regardless of ethnicity, sometimes must relearn how to communicate with co-workers or people in general.

I look around today, and everybody is in your face with aggressive rhetoric. For instance, my wife and I drove home from the grocery store the other day. I was driving the car. In California, one must stop for pedestrians in a street crosswalk. I was probably twenty or twenty-five feet away, going about twenty miles an hour in twenty-five miles an hour zone as I approached a crosswalk. I always look left and right for people crossing the street. My wife even warned me of this person entering the crosswalk. Plus, I, too, saw him. I brought the car to a complete stop and let the guy, pushing a baby in a stroller, walk across. The guy had the nerve to yell, “Next time, slow that M….er F…er down.”

Stunned, I just looked at him without saying a word. Unlike my wife, who says in jest. “Now run his butt over.”  That’s right; Sister Hampton doesn’t play. After he cleared the crosswalk, I pulled off and continued home. I shook my head at the nerve of some people. I felt like getting out of the car and trying to slap some sense into an individual who had no common sense. But then I would be wrong. He occupied my thoughts for about two more blocks because, like my wife, the guy ticked me off. But then I let it go.

These days, one can get involved in a conversation with people where they get annoyed if you have a different take on any topic. Some may think they have complete answers on a subject matter and get intimidated by your response. It’s as if they know what they are talking about and the nerve of you to disagree with them. Or they may brand you as thinking you are an expert on everything.

I used to tell my children to respect their elders when they were growing up. For that matter, understand that older people have more experience with certain aspects of life than younger folks. Moreover, the longer one walks this earth; the more one learns different subject matter by accident. Or as some say, just by living in a neighborhood, city, country, and world.

I found that speaking with older people about different subjects allows one to become more grounded in their beliefs. They might not know anything about a particular topic. At the very least, they may still have an opinion.

But returning to the point of this article. One should be particularly conscience of the way they talk to co-workers, especially a supervisor or boss. Their opinion of you determines the type or responsibility they give you or how fast you get a promotion.

You can sometimes be very persistent, even loud, and boisterous. But then you have to gauge how the person you speak with will take that attitude. If you think that saying what you believe, no matter how it sounds doesn’t matter in the workplace. Then, my friend, you will stay in your current position until your supervisor figure out how to rid of you. So be a star that glows and rises at your job. But, on the other hand, don’t be that employee known to have a big mouth, if you know what I mean.  

Using your common sense and knowing how to discuss issues with anyone goes a long way in you having a no-drama attitude. But, unlike at Burger King, you can’t always have it your way. So, I’m just saying…you feel me?

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, and vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                       Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my Authors webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

A Few Things on My Mind

A few issues come to mind as I watch the year 2022 speed into its conclusion. First, it seems we just took the Christmas trees down from the end of 2021. How time flies is an understatement for this year.

To this country’s detriment, Trump is in the news every day. Will he, won’t he, can’t he, should he, or what did he say? My only real question is, why hasn’t this individual been charged or indicted? You hear of pending violence in the street if Trump is indicted. Is there an attempted hostile takeover of the United States Government in our future?

For the last several years, the A’s traded away or let walk their good players because they don’t want to pay the average player’s salary. Then they field pretty much an uncompetitive team of players in training. They are last in their division at 53 wins and 94 losses, 43 games behind the first-place Houston Astros. It promises to get much worse by season end. All while asking Alameda County to claim one of its best areas for a baseball stadium. Attendance, morale, etc., are all down. The city of Oakland needs money for essential services. Where do they find those funds? Hey… please do us all a favor. Move to Las Vegas or anywhere else besides the Bay Area.

The mid-terms are fast approaching while Republican politicians are shipping immigrants to other cities. Yet they wonder why most people are sick of politics, sick and tired of ignorant politicians seeking personal power. So please vote anyway, don’t let them drive you away from the one right we have as people.

Yes, I am a 49er fan. As for QB Tray Lance…running him between the tackles seven to eight times a game was bound to get him hurt. For the coach to say that was an attempt to allow Lance to become a better throwing QB? As a fan, I wanted to see him develop this year. Now he is lost for the year. After rehab and returning to the field of play, he will not be running on a surgically repaired ankle. Yet he will still need to develop more of his talents as a passing QB. I wonder how Coach Shanahan will handle that change in his QB. 

I am still working on my next book. It continues my late grandmother, Gracie Hall-Hampton’s move from Banks, Arkansas, to Milwaukee. I thought I would have it published by the end of this year. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. Look for it in the spring and another book I’ve written and yet to publish.

Every Sunday since the pandemic began, my wife and I still attend church online. Booster shots or changes in mask requirements haven’t stopped that practice. We pay our tithes, pray daily, and enjoy the services while trying to avoid COVID-19. However, we miss fellowshipping with other church members.  

The big thing in our house is to get rid of the clutter. You know, favorite nick-nacks that look good but do nothing but collect dust. This and other things we have bought, received, or somehow acquired over the years make for a cluttered house. So, we are getting rid of a lot of stuff. Do you know what I mean?

We no longer go to the gym as that is a prime place to attract a cold, flu, or the dreaded COVID-19. Meanwhile, we try not to gain weight because of less physical activity.

Do I hear someone dribbling a basketball? The NBA and Warriors are due to kick off their leagues toward the end of September. Imagine that ladies (who are not sports fans), baseball, football, and basketball games are on TV. Will your husbands ever get off the couch on weekends besides going to the bathroom?

Besides keeping appointments with doctors, dentists, or whoever, going to and from the store seems to be the Hampton’s life these days. We continue to be aware in order to keep our health out of harm’s way. I am always grateful to God for giving me and mine another day to get things right. How is your year going?

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, and vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                                      Author & Commentator

“The Episodic Thoughts of Hamp, Vol II” has been published. Check out my Authors webpage URL  https://outskirtspress.com/HampsEpisodicThoughtsVol2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica. Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at https://hcofa.net/

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Then…there is Joe

Bernie Sanders loomed large as champion a movement of sorts. His programs or remedies for the improved health of America is free this or free that. Maybe, just maybe, the results in South Carolina reminded Sanders that the United States of America is a capitalist democracy. Free is not a word that’s easily digested in America. The populace interprets Free as a substantial product no matter what it entails. The first question in these cases is pretty much the same; nothing is free in the US of A. It’s a pay me now or pay me later society, but pay me you will in the end.
Thus, the opposing party, Trump and Republican voters, see Sanders as a socialist. They paint him and the Democratic Party as socialist opportunists bordering on something akin to communist ideals. By now, the Democratic Party understands the Republican playbook in a national election. That may not have been evident in 2016, but who thought Trump would get elected. So, Democrats went to sleep and woke up to a nightmare. Trump got elected President of the US. They don’t intend to make this same mistake in 2020.
Michal Bloomberg had some credible ideas with a modest record of success of sorts as the mayor of New York. Then Elizabeth Warren sank him in the debates. End of story.
Take a moment to reflect on the presidency from 2008 through 2016—a time when Barack Obama served as our President. The office, as well as the man, was respected in many parts of the world. President Obama bent over backward, trying to work with Republicans to pass legislation. No good, they played hardball and denied advancement or progress wherever they could.
Yet there was a feeling, actionable evidence that the White House was in the hands of people who would make intelligent decisions on matters that came up daily. You may not have agreed with every decision that came from the President. But you never had reason to believe that our allies would not be served, or various arms of the government would not function because of actions directly attributed to the Commander-in-Chief.
Let me say as an African American Black Senior. If Trump is in the White House for another four years, one may not recognize our country after the first year of his next term. Note how he is handling his first major crisis. The coronavirus is yet another indicator of how this President thinks and reacts to events facing the current administration. Reports indicate they were warned back in October 2019 about the current COVID19 pandemic
His administration’s efforts as head of the most powerful, original body, mobile military, resourceful workforce in the world act as if his head is buried in the sand. They are acting from a reactive position in place of a proactive body. Not as one large, coordinating organization dealing with the tentacles of COVID19. Now daily after several wasted weeks, they appear before camera looking and sounding like high schoolers, providing half an effort to a requirement that calls for all-out attention. The White House acts as if they are not in charge of the Government response. What a wasted effort and misuse of talent.
The truth is it may be hard to understand the decision-making process of rules, etc. Trump has already issued during the last four years. He may not ever want to leave the office and attempt to make his reelection permanent until death. The Republican Senate Majority is just a rubber stamp for this President. There is nothing that would surprise me anymore about the intentions of Trump and his blind to the fact’s followers.
Then, there is Joe Biden. Good old reliable Joe. A gold star member of the Obama coalition. Not without his faults, as none other than President Barack Obama had to hold Joe back at times. Supposedly he had a problem with loose lips.
He stands out as the candidate that will bring organizational skills back to the White House. Government Agencies will once again be allowed to simply do their job without having to resort to some type of political slant. As a former Defense Department employee, I know how important it is to be free to perform your daily duties regardless of which party is in the White House, or Congress. Oh, to be sure something silly would always pop up, just as quickly disregarded as duty still prevailed over any other suggestions.
We need the respect and guidance of our nation’s ideals in our government. We need those marching orders that would address wars, pandemics, or other world or national catastrophe at the speed and effectiveness required to make a difference. It is sickening to see our governments at the hands of Trump. There are people just waiting for marching orders while the current commander in chief looks as if he doesn’t know what to do. On second thought, maybe he has no clue.
Remember that as you vote this November. We can’t afford to deal with people who stand in place, especially when the requirement calls for action.
Peace & Blessing, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo
Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni
We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at https://redheadedbooklover.com/gracie-hall-hampton-codis-hampton-ii/ Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions
Get any of his books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070
Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to significant magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp
Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/ and http://www.chiia.com/home.html. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

And we are off, Literally that is.

And so, it goes. A perfect example of a carefully planned Iowa 1600 statewide political caucus sites botched by their attempted use of an App to report results into a central location. Yes, you would be correct in thinking that most of the candidates tried to spin the news to their advantage. Most campaigns had ways of collecting info to gage where they would finish in the voting process. Nevertheless, they all tried to put the best spin in their favor. Those who finished lower in the count were glad that it was over, eager to get out of town on to New Hampshire and beyond.      

In the words of Iowa Democratic Party spokeswoman Mandy McClure, “This is simply a reporting issue, the app did not go down, and this is not a hack or an intrusion. The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will take time to report the results further.” Their official word is they are withholding the official results because of those inconsistencies.

I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to make up my mind for whom to vote. My criteria for service are simple, who can restore the integrity of the United States at home and abroad. And who can beat trump at any game he tries during the 2020 election process. 

Issues like health care cost, voting rights, immigration status, partisanship, jobs, infrastructure repair, criminal investigation of illegal political bribes, and climate care are at the top of my concerns. It is going to take time to correct Trump’s errors. Not to think of issues that he never addressed.

The last three years seem like double or triple that amount. Every day and I mean every day, there is an obnoxious, even outright lying tweet about something or the other. It’s a complete turnoff unless you happen to like the author.

Citizens look back at a time when there was at least civility in our politics. Now there are unflattering nicknames of anyone who disagrees with the white house. We ask for fairness in our elections. We hope to hear words that inspire our children from our political leaders. We wonder if there are senators who realize their images, words and votes are subscribe for history daily. Can they foresee their adult grandchildren reading their words, trying to understand why they voted a certain way during the impeachment trial? For all that matters, it looks to the outsider as if they don’t care how they come across to others.

Now, we all must do our part to prevent another term from the current president while we all wonder how can survive another four years, if reelected, of Trump. Our vote in November is mandatory. Just as it must go to someone who can oust the current president, God bless and save this nation.   

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at https://outskirtspress.com/Unchonni

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at https://redheadedbooklover.com/gracie-hall-hampton-codis-hampton-ii/  Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions   

Get any of his books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/ and http://www.chiia.com/home.html. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Women + Democrats = Political Fairness

I, like all of us, have been lucky enough to have a mother. Yes, I am trying to be clever. What I’m clumsily trying to point out is the motherly instinct in most women. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules. But let’s stay on point.

A large majority of women have a natural tendency for fairness in my opinion. You can hear it in their conversations, see it by their actions toward others. It may not always be visible while protecting their realm of responsibility, but there is always a presence. It just seems to me they have a natural tendency to protect all within their environment. That same protection extends to other environments they work in or have some other association. It is a tendency that calls for common sense decisions to be effective at creating a protective cocoon.

Their frankness, honesty, along with social abilities are all on display as they make a decision that is all-inclusive. These are traits that make for a skilled politician. One who doesn’t have a private agenda looks forward to working with people who have diametrically challenging ideas.

A large influx of women was elected across the country during the mid-terms. I look forward to their service. Why, because some of the men holding office today? Especially Trump followers or wanna-bes, they wouldn’t make an above average dog catcher. For some, what is fair for all doesn’t concern them. Politics for them seem always to be personal power or in some way profitable.

I am insulted when you see a congressmen or senator spouting the party line the last couple of years. We can always recognize the talking points as we’ve already seen two people on other channels by saying the same thing. It doesn’t have to make sense; they are just following the edict from the White House, Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader. Always playing to a certain constituency which is not the majority in this country is un-American. Stroking the egos of people who don’t care about right, wrong, or fairness is almost criminal. The only one who is satisfied is Trump, their supreme leader.

Think about it. The Republicans party championed and passed a large tax cut that benefits the wealthy. They were not concerned with the deficit while crafting the plan. But now the deficit is their primary concern. The party, according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, must cut entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare to erase the deficit. You tell me, is this action best for all concerned?

Or another favorite, retiring Senator Jeff Flake stating he is still not sure Brett Kavanaugh told the truth at the hearings. Then why did he vote for the man? Flake, please! These type men will be the first to tell you that they are for Country first and self-gain last. Sure they are…and the earth is flat.

And the guy in charge of the White House? He is devoid of anything resembling common sense. He has a neurotic approach to every problem that crosses his desk. Every day, he shows us who he is in capital letters. I don’t know about you, but I knew who he was before he got elected as president.

Before the mid-term elections, McConnell warned the Democrats to toe the line if they win the majority in the House of Representative. Afterward, Trump warned there would be political war if they pursue constitutional directional oversight against him. He wants to protect his kingdom. Never mind what is best for the country. For my money thank God Democrats are in the House majority.  That is one of the positive outcomes from the 2018 Mid-terms. Beginning in January, Democrats will have the power to say: Hold up White House, wait just a minute. Let me see the document in your records. No? Then I will subpoena all the records including your live sworn testimony. Yes! Once again, we have checks and balances in our government.

Remember, the 116th new Congress will not be sworn in until January 3, 2019. Not wasting time, Trump fired Sessions, replaced him with a partisan political fan. Plenty of time between now and then for fast-track regulation from the Republican-controlled Senate and House of Representatives. Look for a slew of Executive Orders from Trump from here on out. Whether they make sense or not.

Then again, the Democrats are not stupid. As noted, they are the checks and balances in the system. So, let’s see how it goes the next two months before they are sworn in.

Peace & Blessing…stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,


Codis Hampton II

Follow Hamp at https://twitter.com/#!/HampTwo   

Subscribe to this blog at https://wp.me/p65rCa-kQ


Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hampscornerofamerica

We are in a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. It’s based upon the life of my Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of my latest and fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships are questioned to the core. Click on the publisher-Authors page at https://outskirtspress.com/MisguidedIntentions   

Get any of my books by visiting my Amazon.com Authors page at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B017TYFKBI?ref_=pe_1724030_132998070


Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at http://hcoa.net/ and http://www.chiia.com/home.html. Our Retail Site is https://frostyltd.com/frosty-ltd-com





Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment