Biden-Harris administration not ready for prime Time?

A show of hands of all you Democrats that are sick of Republicans’ right-wing tendencies to move the country toward their idea of what America should be or represent to the world. Wow, look at all the hands in the air.

All those who voted for Mitch McConnell for president, please raise your hands. Nobody, umm, oh that’s right, he hasn’t run for president, unlike numerous members of his party since he has been in the senate. As a result, very few won the presidency, which can be interpreted as the majority in the country do not favor their legislative proposals.

We still remember Mitch’s announcement after the 2008 election vowing that Barack Obama would not serve a second term. Of course, we all know he was unsuccessful in preventing Obama’s reelection. Yet he, along with a Republican majority Senate, successfully blocked many of the Presidents’ judicial nominations, including other legislative attempts that have led to the current congressional partisan divide. That and their four-year support of whatever Trump wanted, including approving numerous unqualified agencies head and judicial nominations in this country’s history. Let’s not forget the GOP added trillions of dollars to the US Debt, without even a concern for future red ink.  

Now, with President Biden in the White House, he, as senate minority leader, has convinced his Republican party to place the United States in default by shutting down the government. One more time, who voted for McConnell to become president of the United States? No one did you say, then, for God’s sake, how did this individual become powerful enough to bring the US Government to a standstill? We ought to remind ourselves of the following quote from our sixteenth president of the United States. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln.

After four years of dividing tactics coming from the Trump White House. A congress that allowed corporations contributing to their reelection campaign to run the country practically. Those Republican tax cuts for people who already enjoy the fruits and liberties of our country see no need to support by helping their less fortunate citizens. Those same Republicans, who long to once again be in charge, say they want more of the same, no taxes for the rich at the expense of everyone else.

We have a new administration, albeit Democratic, to the ire of Republicans. This is not to think of the opposing frothing mouth of right-wing extremists, as evidenced by their attempted coup of January 6, 2021. One can rightly say during the last four years of Trumpism; congress has done nothing to help the average US citizen. All those who made out like a bonus bloated corporate executive from 2016 through 2020 wave your arms/hands. Oh, sorry, those people are too busy enjoying their wealth to be bothered by ordinary folks.

If you read, listen to, or watch Republican owed media conglomerates, Biden is in trouble. He doesn’t know what he is doing; he lies, says things he doesn’t really mean. His Afghanistan withdrawal, the Hispanic and Haiti immigrant’s incident at the border is not a pretty sight to anybody. But the sharky GOP see and smell blood in the water. Their operatives are trying to convince you that the Biden-Harris Administration is not ready for primetime. They are a failure. They are always quick to point out democratic shortcomings. As if they don’t have time to correct missteps before the Mid-terms.

At the same time, they are offering no options to make issues better other than turning more of the country over to people who have no basic morals. They might as well rename the United States to US of A, Incorporated.   

One last quote from number sixteen, “Let them beware of surrendering a political power which they already possess, and which if surrendered will surely be used to close the door of advancement against such as they and to fix new disabilities and burdens upon them till all of liberty shall be lost.”  So are the words of Abraham Lincoln in his state of the union address on December 3, 1861.

Number sixteen means we are all responsible for and should be heavily involved in the direction of our country—specifically, the policies, representative decisions made to pass a long-overdue infrastructure bill. Bridges, roads are becoming hazardous to transportation. Let’s not turn our back on our fellow citizens with this upheaval about prolonging a pandemic that could be brought under control with cooperation from the so-called red states. The extremist is not in charge of this country. Nor should we be intimidated by their implied insurrections. We’ve already gone through a bloody civil war over the same issues (race, voting rights) complained about from the minority. We should not stand for anyone threatening another. Climate Change is another issue that the GOP has tried to bury despite the warnings from our scientific experts. Now we see the results every day.

Then, of course, there always is a Democratic representative that wants to be a kingmaker, make a name for himself, or have some other kind of agenda. So, they tend to swim in the opposite direction of the rest of the Democrats. These are tactics that also help the Republicans. And…you have seen what they do for you. Oh, what a problem to solve for the Biden Administration.   

There are always missteps from presidential administrations. Can you name one where there wasn’t some problem that turned into a national embarrassment for the sitting president? So why not forget the politics of events for a while. And push for programs that will benefit the average American? That is what Biden-Harris has promised and is trying to do for this country.

Look how close we came to a Putin national holiday on our American calendar. Why not disregard the Republican playbook for now? Plan on making a properly informed choice during next year’s mid-terms based upon what really happened, not as the Republicans want you to forget legislation they would not allow to pass.

How about giving the current presidential administration a chance to show you their true capabilities? As our nation keepers, we are ready for any time, not only prime time. Look at it like we are cheering for one of our sports teams. So go US of A, on and upward for progress.  

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

Join us for our live or Internet broadcast of bi-monthly BTR R&B or Smooth Jazz Musical  at Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo, Parent Company/Sponsor CHIIA Group at

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Unnecessary use of an Adjective

Do you ever notice many people who use words like Unconditional or Unapologetic are often making an obvious point?

For instance, I’ve noticed some like to use say “Unconditional Love.” Frequently they are putting another person on notice as to how they should behave in a relationship. To love, regardless of the relationship, doesn’t require an adjective to improve the intensity of the emotion. All that is needed are reasons to feel that way about something or someone.

Love is a given; one doesn’t have to describe it in some unique way.  We don’t wait for someone to fall in love with us before we, in turn, love them. If they are our offspring, siblings, or parents, we love them because of our relationship. There are no other qualifications they have to go through to earn our love. The emotion is not always mutual or shared between two people. The explanation could be for numerous reasons. Whatever the reason, placing such an adjective in front of the word, love is not going to enable the other person to love you.

Say, for instance, your sibling, son, or daughter is socially challenged. They don’t interact with other people. Their social ideas are out of whack. Don’t have or can’t keep a friend, immature; they depend upon others to keep them fed, clothed, housed in a place to exist. Attempting to motivate these individuals is an endless exercise with no end in sight.

No one wants to take care of a grown man or woman. Relatives want you to succeed, show improvement, or at least try to become independent. If there are no signs that you are trying, one might be confronted with another adjective. Your relatives may indicate “Tough Love” is what you need, in place of money, or providing other subsistence items.

Tough Love may not be what they envision as assistance, yet it is the best remedy for individuals requiring motivation. Sometimes people need a reason to achieve the basics of need. Don’t underestimate a swift shove in the rear to get a person headed in the right direction.

Then there is the boisterous individual. The one who feels they have to get in your face to facilitate some response. We as Americans tend to overstate the urgency of something or the other. For instance, a man trying to make a point by stating he is “Unapologetic Black.”

The individual places his picture on a poster advertising his business. Keep in mind he wants some cooperation from outside his company. First of all, they can tell his race by looking at his picture on the poster. Or if there is no poster, those who he approaches will know his skin color.         

“Unapologetic Black” is a way of puffing up, sticking your chest out, which can intimidate the very people you need to cooperate with your plan. If not intimidation, then think of it as a turnoff.

It’s like sending an email to someone, whereas the entire communication is in capital letters. In such cases, one cannot get to the message because the all-caps smothering the wording.

That may not be the person’s intention, but someone will conclude the senders’ personality as uneducated. Or in the case of the guy on the poster, an angry, uncooperative individual.

As the face of your business, you have to show you’re able to converse in a way to satisfy investors, customers, or your employees. Any correspondence that reaches those people before you do will reflect your personality. In other words, your ability to listen to other ideas may get you that contract, loan, or donation.

One may consider these ideas as you are preparing a resume. You don’t know the personality of the Human Resource person. You must be smart when you are listing your hobbies. Somebody might be impressed if you are a dog lover, musician, or love Rhythm and Blues. That might interest the employer to place you above another individual.

Another way to think about this entire thought process is pretty much self-explanatory words matter in all types of communication. Words express how one feels, what they are going to do, even explain what one has done.

In summation, an adjective is a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to, or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. Think before using them carelessly. Make sure they help you rather than turn people away from you. It applies to business or life.    

Peace, blessings, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Musical Shows at Or play the broadcast at your leisure.

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni, South Korea; I Remember 1962-63. Check out the details at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships are questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at  Click on the publisher-Authors page at   

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Why Should we care about our country?

Why should you care what happens in this country? The death of George Floyd, with countless others throughout the seventies, up through today. The election of a president who lacks the moral leadership of an average American. A consistent thirty to thirty-five percent following that can see no, I repeat, no flaws by this president as a representative of our country. A need to change the culture of police forces around this country from sometimes acting as an occupational force rather than to protect, serve all citizens. A partisan divide that is threatening to tear apart this country. Again, one might ask, why should we care what happens in our country? Because neglecting to pay attention to what is going on from our local political electors to the white house is how we got to our current situation.

Once there was a question, do our young folks care…? well, do you hear, see them now on your daily news outlet. With the absence of governmental leadership apparent during this COVID19 pandemic, we long for signs of any consistent leaders to step up, show themselves.  Meanwhile, we, as individuals, should do our part for our country. The long or short answer to why we should care is because it is your country. This is our house. Depending upon your ethnicity, some may say it does not belong to you, or you don’t belong in it. Other ethnicities try to take claim of the United States even though their forefathers arrived after others were already here.

During the civil rights era, marchers often heard the anti-demonstrators shout, “go back to Africa; we don’t want you here.” There is so much wrong with that phrase; I don’t have time to go through the thought process. Let me say, the blood, sweat, tears, and bones of my ancestors buried in grounds of America.  

However, you see some young, middle-aged, or older folks doing things that make light of the coronavirus warning. It’s as though they have some magic shield that prevents them from contacting COVID19. For the young, the thought may be that nothing could harm me at this age. For others, it’s just stupidity of the subject.   

So, they go on about their daily business, some not knowing if they already have the virus spreading it around like a “get sick” card. Others believing, they never get sick, so it doesn’t apply to them. It’s like that old Mad Comic Book character, Alfred E Neuman…” What me worry?”

The demonstrations against the shelter-in-place Governor orders in Michigan some weeks ago looked sick to me. They show up with rifles, pistols, a couple of confederate flags, signs that let you know they support Trump. What a joke. Those who are paying attention know this virus has no specific targets. Everybody encountering it is vulnerable. Asthmatics suffer more than others, but everybody can catch COVID19.   

Or we could look at it another way. Yes, this is my country. I was born here; I have put down my roots. And the utmost, in my opinion, my ancestors grew up, raised generations of children, helped build this country from the wilderness, desert. No one has more claim to this country than my people or me.

My fellow countrymen, generations that followed, let’s be honest with ourselves. We’ve seen developments, incidents, whatever you want to call them that we thought we would never see in our lifetime. Some thought our Baby Boomer generation went too far. Others felt we hit the right notes, pushed the correct agenda for societal change. We wonder why it didn’t last.

Music guided our thought process. Some of the most important, thoughtful, meaningful songs were written in the sixties, seventies decade. A talented artist from all genres of music was in bands or solo artists that added to the diaspora of the day. Groups marched to effect change by certain songs. They formed opinions, calculated life strategies that contributed to real changes in our society. Again, why didn’t the forced changes last?  

The hippy generation brought about the loved one and all attitude. Everybody was a valuable person. They felt that all had something to contribute to society. We all thought we counted for something. We became proud of our country as change for the better was seen, felt, practiced in our daily lives. By now, you may be asking the same question, why didn’t the attitude changes last up through today?

We saw the election of an African American President. President Obama had more patience with the right-wing Republican Party than he should have, then again, that’s just my opinion. We hoped in vain that we had turned a racial corner in this country. Only to be shocked back to reality before Mr. Obama served a day. Mitch McConnel, with the aid of other Republicans, felt that it was his job to see that President Obama didn’t have a second term. That did not work, so they did everything else under the sun to block his powers. Republican Lawmakers in charge of both houses of Congress controlled the agenda. Laws expired, were never addressed, politics became a partisan rule.

That is why the sixties implemented laws did not last up through today. The rise of the Tea Party, hidden racism, a lot of nervous people who saw their majority slide into a minority. That produced a changing attitude, once again pushed by the Republican Party.    

In the past, we saw wars, conflicts that began because some guy somewhere believes he is the chosen one. So, his fellow countrymen should be indebted to him. Now we see the same type of politician in our county of the United States of America. He thinks we should do what he says, do not fret the big decisions. He is all-knowing about all subjects. He alone will address issues. Yet we see different problems left unsolved, mismanaged, or not managed (COVID19) at all.     

The political parties drifted into partisan groups because the Americas stood by, did nothing. We watched as Washington DC politicians on the right seem to care less about all Americans, only catering to a very few.

The attitude now is ‘I’ve got or is going to get mine no matter who I have to step on to get it.’ The bottom line, this is not the America we once knew. Just because a third of the people follow this president, it does not make his policies right for all Americans. Sometimes people are not sure what is best for them if they do not have all the facts.

According to a political science Stony Brook professor Helmut Norpoth, who has correctly predicted five out of six elections since 1996, Trump will win in November. He  told Mediaite on Tuesday., “The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November.” Let that resonate in your brain for a moment. Can this country stand another four years of Trump or his Republican Party?

The answer to stopping this weird merry go round is to vote during this presential election. As citizens, we are responsible for the direction taken by our country. Too many have died for the rights we currently have for us to check out or say to hell with America. Please vote for the restoration of our country’s core values. Let us take hold of our future, vote for representatives, folks running for the Senate, and a president that has Americans’ best interest at heart. Once installed in their job, you will see the beauty of being free and an American.   

Peace & Blessing, stay healthy, vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

 Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at  Click on the publisher-Authors page at   

Get any of his books by visiting my Authors page at

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to significant magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

HRO Admin. and the Current Presidency

Most have heard of the Gabrielle Union dispute and ultimate firing from the voice. A smaller number of people may have heard that Afton Williamson quit ABC’s “The Rookie” series back in July. She noted the reason was after her complaints during the first season of racial bullying and sexual harassment simply ignored by the powers that be. The complaint covered behavior as far back as the spring of 2018 and throughout Season 1. She indicated in an August 4th TV Line article that she “experience racial discrimination, racially charged inappropriate comments from the hair department, including sexual harassment from a recurring guest star.” The shows reaction, or “HR protocol was never adhered to,” nor was “an investigation” issued for any of the complaints.

I’ve worked in both environments as a government and private concern employee or manager. I know that most white people I’ve talked to about racism in the workplace didn’t want to hear about it. Never mind did it happen; they don’t want to discuss it. Pushed, you will get various views on the subject. Most will be opinions that are not conducive to a healthy HRO program. The difference between the government work environment and private concern is like night and day. Private companies have a Human Resource (HR) Office. Some often act as if it’s a wasted position. Most times, they immediately want to brand the complainer as just that, one who is a constant complainer. People who should feel lucky to have a job. 

Many times, the perpetrator in the complaint can’t understand the problem or don’t think they have done anything wrong. Some may go so far as to say; there isn’t a problem. Either the complainer is a screw-up, or they are thin-skinned. They can’t take it, act like an immature baby, or fire them as incompetent. In short, “sit down, shut up, go along to get along.” Why they are always surprised to see people of color not follow their short edict is beyond me. This practice is not a Donald Trump invention. It’s more of “thirties, forties, fifties” white male perceived masculinity imbalance of their interpretation.    

Presently we are in a place where up is down and down is up in this society. Trump perpetrates that state of “Tweet” mind. People who don’t like you for race alone are emboldened to act. They feel they have the political cover to act out their aggression. Previously suppressed dislike in some have come bubbling up to the forefront. They are edged on by white power websites or similar groups to commit some demonstrated act to show their racism.   

The media report that we are a divided country. They don’t call it what it is, instead offering an opinionated view that the divide is among political preference. When, in fact, the divide is between people of color or the white race. The current presidential administration, along with his political party are happy to exploit that divide to stay in power. Meanwhile, our country suffers from this new now. We not only suffer in worldly shame for not standing up for the ideals of Americans. But we also suffer in economic ways that we may not feel for a few years. An objective that’s was a consideration in the Trump tax bill passed by the Republicans.

The ideals, goals on which this country built are questioned, ignored, challenged by those who want to maintain their power structure hold despite their now being the minority. So those in a position of authority feel free to practice their hateful behavior toward people of color or Jews. It’s a perfect example of the effect any current presidential admiration has on the people of this country.

We, as sixty percent of regular citizens now, ask, what kind of governmental representative do we want to represent we the people? Where do our loyalties lie with Russia’s Putin or our entire USA legislative body, along with its checks and balances? I ask, have we ever looked to Russia as an example of anything except a tyrannical state.

For that forty percent of Americans who consistently back this Admiration no matter what horrendous act Trump perpetrates on American Society, shame on you. History will interpret your behavior is truly Un-American.  

All that’s needed for the entire USA to right itself and regard its neighbors as people of value is to remember whose birthday is on December 25th. That would be Jesus Christ. Follow his teachings, not Trump or Putin; you can’t go wrong.

Who do we place our trust in to run this country? Our decisions toward political matters are to ensure that our children and their children live in a country that helps them grow as people. They should be free to express themselves freely without fear of a dictator’s wrath because of certain topics.  

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo   

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at

We present the republication of the Authors’ tour of South Korea as a 17-year-old GI with Unchon-ni. Check out the details at

We are in a continuing effort to publicize, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. Based on the life of the Authors Grandmother. The Novel examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of his fifth book, Misguided Intentions. A book where family relationships questioned to the core. Read MI’s review at  Click on the publisher-Authors page at   

Get any of his books by visiting my Authors page at

Look for new books, updates of current titles, and submission of short articles to major magazines upcoming in 2020. We love to pass on our written word. – Hamp

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Will The Real Candidate Please Stand Up

I tried to lay low during the first part of the 2020 National Election. I didn’t want to comment too early about any candidate, especially the guy that sits in the White House as President. We are now in November of 2019. One year away, too early, but the Iowa Caucus set for February 3, 2020. So here we go, as I attempt to keep the focus on the process.

A couple, if not a few people, are contemplating entering an already crowded field. Why, because the Democratic leaders in the polls are vulnerable. It doesn’t matter why because the vulnerability seems uncorrectable.

Independent/Democratic/Democratic-leaning Republicans, many still undecided even if they have named one of the leading Poll individuals are worried about the outcome of next year’s November vote. That noise you hear is their teeth gnashing, the scratching of fingernails on their windowpanes, or bohemia like screams. In short, most Americans are sick and tired of seeing a Presidency run on the fly along with a Twitter run policy initiator.

Every day, this country goes through stops, starts, hour by hour changes in direction with a constant flow of unqualified people placed in a highly visible governmental position — many on a temporary status. It’s sad to think of all the necessary investigations surrounding the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. To think there could be four more years of this environment is just too much.

Therefore, we are looking for one person who can take charge, step up to the plate and hit one out of the ballpark. We need a candidate that can and will win in November of 2020. Most of us thought we had one. But we have found too many variables. There is just too much uncertainty for our nerves.

When we cast our vote next November, we want to feel that our choice has a chance to win. Our winner is going to be very busy mending fences with pretty much all our Allies and friends throughout the world. Not to think of all the correction/refocusing to just about everything you can think of at the Government level. I bet you the actual White House is in bad shape too.    

So please, for God’s sake, will the real candidate please sign up, step up or stand up and let themselves be known to an anxious public. Let the Democratic voting public know how you can fix problems and govern. Then and only then will the case be closed, with history set to record the how, why, when, and what the hell happened the previous four years.

Peace & Blessing, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,   

Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                         Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo     

Look for our newly released book, Unchon-ni, South Korea, I Remember 1962-63. Keep us in mind when buying books for that avid reader in your family. Details of the must-read novels are located at    

Or visit our Authors page at

Our Parent Company’s sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at Our Retail Site is

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Unchon-ni, South Korea, I remember 1962-63

   Strike up a conversation with most people who were young, free, and enjoyed American life in the sixties. You will hear, maybe even feel their urgency to bring back the nostalgia of being young during that era. It was a time, whereas the overall feeling of most people in this country was to live life to its fullest, be what you wanted to be, above all else, be happy. We not only enjoyed it for ourselves but wanted our kinfolk, friends, and neighbors to discover a path to the American Dream. Flower Power, Hippies, Love Child, Soul Brother, names we used to describe certain groups, all while wishing them “Peace, Love, and Soul.”  Find your road to happiness my man, my brother, my sister. Frequently we gave them marijuana joints as fuel for the journey. Some use harder drugs to get there, but everyone was at least taking the trip. Today, most people feel the same but are not as overt with their feelings as back in the day.

It was tough climbing the mountain of change, even though we savored the rewards. Older, conservative folks despised this new attitude. Young black folks were especially having a though transition. Their more discipline parents advised them to act in a more servitude manner in the presence of the southern white man. Don’t stare, look down, don’t talk, don’t dare talk back or act as a smart mouth negro in front of white people. It was the way most of them survived the Jim Crow Era. Black people ought to feel damn proud of the way our ancestors survived thought-out the ages. Without their efforts, patience we wouldn’t be alive today.

In the forties-fifties, they migrated to northern, eastern, and western cities, looking to improve their livelihood with good-paying jobs. They still practiced the same habits; felt that was the best way to get along with white folks. Don’t take their jobs, move in their neighborhoods, take liberties with their kind offerings. And for God’s sake, don’t try to court any of their offspring. Otherwise, a telephone pole would work just as good as a hanging tree.

The problems came when their children grew up in these cities. Youngsters found out that all people were pretty much the same, and no race was better than the other. As a result, they were having none of that servitude behavior. We did not accept our lowly position without objection. In some cases, they were sneaking around with people outside their race, even kissing or doing that thang with them. They didn’t want to disappoint their parents, but then you know the mantra of young folk, “Ahhh…we’re just having fun.”

Let’s take this a step further; I’ve written a semi-autobiography book detailing a lot about my life as one of the black children of the sixties. I left high school and enlisted in the United States Army during the fall of 1961. I had to beg my father to let me join as a seventeen-year-old recruit by promising to finish high school in the Army.

That young black boy’s first assignment out of Ford Ord, California, was a foreign country. It was April of 1962. As ordered, he boarded a troop ship out of Oakland, CA. By that time, he’d gone through Basic; Advanced Infantry Training. Now on a troopship for a twenty-three-day trip with stops in Hawaii, and Tokyo. Upon his arrival in Pusan, Korea, the Army already proved to him that he had joined the ultimate men’s club. They had rules to govern the rules. It was going to be a long three years, he thought.

His assignment to Camp Kaiser, with a local village right outside the main gate called Unchon-ni, turned out to be the best thing to happen to him. First, daily training, practice with your brothers in arms, the American Soldier. It was a fourteen months indoctrination of a war-torn country. We had a very clear understanding of our mission; to stop any advancement into the south by Charlie (North Korean Soldiers). As it was small groups (four, five, or a few more), North Korean Soldiers crossed the DMZ to raise hell, spy, or whatever.

Black GI’s are confronted with duty, honor, confusing because of race issues, demonstrations, back home. Given the oath they swore to when entering the Army, they had no choice but to become exceptional soldiers as did any dog soldier, no matter their race or origin. They found ways to justify their obedience while not sacrificing their racial identities. A quick right cross to Jim Crow’s jaw normally resolved any outstanding issues. That attitude brought about the question, what about the non-violent demeanor as played out in the US of A Civil Rights demonstrations? Conflict of responsibility between race and Army obligations was a daily reminder for Uncle Sams black soldiers.

Unchon-ni camp-town girls made the entire tour assignment worth the experience. Without flaws, they expertly played the part of girlfriend, wife, next-door neighbor, sister, brother, psychologist, nursemaid; you name it. They allowed the American GI to mature, expand their knowledge of the opposite sex. They duplicated as close to a sense of home life as one could ever wish for daily.

Readers can examine the flashback events that the primary character (Author) remembered in his life. I call this book my semi-biography that culminates with my maturing as a person. They said at the time, the US Army would make a man out of you. One learns certain things by accident. From my perspective, given the help of South Korea assignment, mission accomplished.

Unchon-ni is not only a must-read for anybody interested in the life and times of our servicemen stationed overseas.  It’s an emotional exercise in men and women relationships from all walks of life. In other words, it’s a book for anyone interested in following the path of a seventeen-year-old GI discovering who he is, where he fits in then and later in society. The experience was so rich, so real; I just had to share it with you.  

The novel is available in all formats, including paperback, B&N Nook, Amazon Kindle, or download a PDF copy. Check out the novel’s details located at the Author/Publishers site at

Peace, Love, & Blessings

Codis Hampton II, Unchon-ni Author

Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

The NFL’s lack of Public Relations

The older I get, the more impatient I get with stupidity. Not your normal dumb things we do as humans. Because I would have a lot of problems with a few of my personal decisions. I’m talking about those NFL Owners conservative grandfathers who seem to live in a world of Archie Bunkers (All in The Family TV Show) 1950.
Now the Owners have voted to ban the kneeling of any protest during the National Anthem at the beginning of football games. Further confusing the issue, they have said those who don’t want to stand didn’t have to come out of the locker room at the playing of the National Anthem. The first-time individuals or a team stay inside, how do you think a team owner will respond? They have already revealed who they are behind the mask.
There is no need for me to go back over the issue of Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the National Anthem at the start of football games. You know the story. Other football players plus other players in other leagues began to protest in their own way.
Enter the mouthings of one of the most hypocritical lying individuals who have no respect for this country’s traditions. A person who doesn’t seem to have the capability of selecting competing people to serve in positions within the United States Government. Also, a person who never served a day in the military. One who dared to question football demonstrating players.
Keeping in mind that these demonstrations were not about the US Flag. No, they specifically protested the almost automatic stop, frisk or shooting of any person of color. Any person other than white that looks, feels, makes sudden moves or has anything that is merely the same color as a weapon. Often concluding with the death of the subject who was pulled over by the police for a broken tail light. That is what those athletes were protesting.
For those people who thought they were disrespecting the US Flag…get a life. Frankly, I do know where you are coming from, after all, most of you voted for Trump. That pretty much gives us all great insight on your moral compass. Even at that, I, who did serve in the military openly stand by your rights to vote for whoever you want to in this country.
But for those fat cat NFL owners who are already rich and getting richer off local communities. Cities and towns that have laid off police officers, closed schools, etc. to support the building of a football stadium. One where they will have the privilege of paying an enormous price to see eight games of football. Not to think of the ridiculous prices paid at various concessions, parking and you name it. With each and every penny taking in added to the owners’ coffers or the NFL’s bottom line.
Most of these owners are conservative in nature and greedy by design. They enjoy a special tax designation and other political favors. Some have been accused of not trying to win a championship. They are just happy to enjoy the tax breaks and put an inferior product on the field each year.
I am a fan and have been a fan for decades. Although I should add, I don’t go to football games. I have and always have enjoyed the games on TV. I went to a pre-season Raider-Rams game at the Oakland Coliseum on tickets given to me. Nothing at that game changed my mind on the comforts of watching a game on my living room TV. But then that’s me.
To his credit, my favorite team’s owner (Jed York of the 49er’s) abstained from the voting. He wanted to talk to his players and get their feelings about such a move. This must have set Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys) and Bob Kraft’s (New England Patriots) hair on fire. At least the little hair they have left on their head. Mr. York went further by saying “I don’t think we should be profiting if we’re going to put this type of attention and focus on the field and on the flag.” This was in response to the subject of stopping concessions from being sold during the playing of the National Anthem.
It’s sort of like that concussion issue. Another issue they don’t know how to handle in the field of public opinion. The one constant with the NFL to remember, they are now and will always be concern with making more money at whoever’s expense.
Peace & Blessing…stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo
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We are in a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. It examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of my latest and fifth book, Misguided Intentions. Click on the publisher-Authors page at
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Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Here’s 2018, or…

…Down is up, up is down and sideways is running around in circles

We are approaching or in a brand-new year. Yet we are still dragging along a bunch of crap from the old year. Stuff that hasn’t been worked out or a federal investigation that hasn’t reached a conclusion. Everybody knows the Russians interfered in our elections except the President of our country. My guess is he knows but just doesn’t want most Americans to delegitimize the December 2016, Electoral College declaration of the November 8 official winner. If you are not careful, you will become dizzy from the twist and turns of the daily behavior from the current occupants of the White House.
Words like conspiracy and obstruction of justice are flying around Washington DC like a noose tightening around the Grand Marshall of the KKK’s neck. The current administration is ducking, dogging while trying to counter punch as if boxing was in their DNA. No one knows where the real buck is going to land or if an indictment is just around the corner. Yes, these are tense times at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Stay tuned for more fallout reported daily by the very institutions designated by the president as Fake News Outlets.
Stay tuned for more sexual harassments charges from men who can’t seem to keep it in their pants when it comes to business associates or woman they casually meet at some affair or another. For that matter, I bet you some relationship that we never dreamed would occur is about to come to light in 2018. But then…yes…women have found their voice and its about time.
Look out for more saber-rattling from North Korea and the like. They all know now that as America continues to isolate itself against the rest of the world. That provides cover for their inhuman acts. Our allies now trust us less as they don’t know if their discussions with the US will be in the next tweet from the Donald. Senate and House Republicans will continue to act as if they don’t know why they were sent to Washington in the first place.
Look for Democrats to pin a lot of hopes in the 2018 elections. The problem is they better put in the work, or the November-December headlines will be how the Democrats blew it.
All that is just a distraction from how we as individuals can make it an outstanding New Year. First loose as many pounds as you can, which is my goal. You will note I didn’t say how many. That guarantees I will be successful in that venture. Do something you and your main squeeze like to do at least twice a month in 2018. Do something that may be costly during the year but save for it. Or you can still do something that is not pricey. Realize it doesn’t cost anything to be helpful to one another. Or for that matter to people, you meet during your daily rounds.
Take an interest in your children’s world, including play and school. Ensure that they know the values of life and not just the commercial entities. Make an example of yourself by reading books, magazines, or computer blogs. But let them know that your family is a reader of words from many different but trusted sources. Along with your religious preference which should be practiced on a daily schedule. Another fascinating subject that I believe should be discussed within the family is the theory of Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. In short, it’s Abraham Maslow’s psychology theory dating back to his 1943 paper entitled “A Theory of Human Motivation.” It is the ideal vehicle in which to show others why we crave specific needs. Look it up on the internet for details. Having taken the subject of Psychology in school. I found it to be a roadmap for life’s achievements.
Take steps in planning for your independence from your job one day. Whether that is in retirement, resigning or being downsized. Be aware of your peak earning timeframe and always plan on moving on to something else. It will keep you financially stable and able to pivot to another direction. Don’t ever think you are going to work until you are old and gray in any employment.
Finally, as you know, this is a time when we take note of where we are at, going, and how to get there. Some of us select the person we want to ride with us to wherever we’re headed. Nevertheless, it is a time for reflection. If it isn’t, then make it such a time as it should be for your own best interest. Happy New Year from my little corner of the world and enjoy the coming seasons. As you know time moves on with or without you so hang on and enjoy the ride.
If you are thinking of what’s next in Washington DC, don’t get confused or buy into the rhetoric. Heed the words of my Grandma Gracie, “One monkey don’t stop the show.” She may have not been grammatically correct, but you get the point.
Peace & Blessings…stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a 2018 day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo
Subscribe to this blog at

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at
We are in a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. It examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of my latest and fifth book, Misguided Intentions. Click on the publisher-Authors page at
Get any of my books by visiting my Authors page at

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and Our Retail Site is


Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

My Country, Tears for Thee

I am an avid fan of Joy Reid. She burst on the scene in the mold of Rachel Maddow, both excellent political commentators are on MSNBC. So here I am going through my Saturday (8-12-2017) morning ritual of cleaning out my email while watching Ms. Reid during her 7:00am-9:00am show.
A little over a half hour into the show as Ms. Reid was reporting on Alt Right’s march on Friday night, came “Breaking News” as they say. Filmed as it was happening Saturday morning, pictured were thugs for lack of a better word holding white shields with a black X painted on them. They were shown attacking counter demonstrators while protecting their own space in the street. Bottles were being thrown from in back of the protestor’s line. Some of the shields had KKK printed on them. There was no sign of a police officer, National Guard, or any crowd controlling authority.
It was like watching a gang fight that would die down for a minute. Words were shouted, and someone would be pulled in the demilitarized center. One or two of the shield welding group of white nationalist or KKK would proceed to strike the victim with whatever they had in their hand. Eventually, they would pull back into their group feeling good about their personal conquest. Someone would start right back up when confronted with someone who was an enemy in their mind. The only bodies missing were anybody in authority. Later on that afternoon, a pair from one of the white supremacy groups ran down a bunch of counter-protesters on the sidewalk with an automobile. This act resulted in one death and numerous injuries. Twenty-year-old James Alex Fields has been arrested and charged with murder in the case.
The Donald came out hours later on Saturday and made a comment that many sides were involved. After two days passed, he was goaded into making a public statement prepared by his handlers. By Tuesday afternoon, the real Donald Trump came out in force. In the words of the late Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
Millions of Americans already knew who the Donald was by his actions over the years. In spite of all the evidence that came out during the campaign. A large enough of voters in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania disregarded the evidence and voted for him. They helped get elected. It has yet to be reported if all those people are members of the White Nationalist Party or KKK. It is highly unlikely. There are all types of races and creeds in that voting bloc. If they were unsure of before, they now should know who and what Donald Trump is and stands for.
Now, what is the question we all should ask ourselves? Where do we go from here? The President of the United States has outed himself. White Nationalist, KKK, Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and their supporters are not to be trusted with our country. Their interest is clearly about some subverted view of the United States of America. They clearly are not entirely aware of the Constitution, wars and undeclared wars, or the core values of the US. They all seem to subscribe to the notion that this country is their personal piggy bank, stomping grounds, or have the sole responsibility for guided its direction or redirection.
Today, August 16 is my birthdate. At my age, I can actually say I’ve seen a lot of change in this country. Most have been for the better and some for the worst. I’ve experienced racism up close and personal. For that matter, every now and then I still run into a racist during my daily travels. Yet, I’m acutely aware of what this country stands for, and I subscribe to those ideals. I love American History with all its flaws and inconsistencies. In the end, I understand what a vast majority of people in this country want America to be. That is not the vision of the white nationalist, Alt Right, KKK or Trump and similar politicians.
We all were put here by God almighty. Some choose not to acknowledge it by having faith in the same. I want to follow and pray every day. Can you imagine not being a Christian? The beauty of this country is you can practice any denomination of religion. You are free to pursue any occupation you choose. You can live anywhere you want, love anybody you like, raise a family and teach them to aspire to be whatever. Compared to other countries an assortment of freedoms is at your disposal.
I am not so naïve that I believe everyone can benefit from or practice these freedoms. There are many reasons why someone can’t enjoy a particular freedom this country promises. But there are also legal ways and means for a person to force another to capitulate. So the promise is still here more so than any other place on earth. And that is where we would like to keep it.
We want to avoid the thoughts of people like Trump. Our country is not for rent, sell, or loan to any one group or individual. To the dictators and one man rulers around the world, our democracy may be just over a couple of hundreds of years in years. But don’t bother trying to influence political figures or maneuver our elections to your liking. We may be slow to respond, but when we do, history has proven that you don’t want the people of the United States as your enemies. If anything America is resilient and is a foe, you would rather not confront.
As long as we fight for our core values individually, in concert and by our votes, we can determine our future. So thanks to the Donald, he may have finally awakened some people with his assertions. But most of us already knew the America our ancestors built and died for. We unlike some others of privilege have served in the military. Some of us saw or know of the death of young men and women who fought and died for the rights these racist groups now enjoy when marching in protest. We prefer that America other than the one that minority of racist, hoodlums, and self-interested politicians think we will become because of their actions.

Peace, stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,

Codis Hampton II
Follow Hamp at!/HampTwo
Subscribe to this blog at

Join us for the live broadcast of our bi-monthly BTR Shows at
We are in a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953. It examines an era of Jim Crow that many in our society may have forgotten occurred against people of color. Meanwhile, we celebrate the publication of my latest and fifth book, Misguided Intentions. Click on the publisher-Authors page at
Get any of my books by visiting my Authors page at

Our Parent Company and sponsor is CHIIA Group, online at and



Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment

Incompetency in Government?


Over the last five months, I’ve watched in horror as my country’s Democracy has been attacked, twisted and so wrongfully interpreted. Terminology such as Fake News and Alternative Facts have caused us to laugh at their nerve for a short minute. Then we realize that none of the stuff is funny.  During this time our nation’s White House spokesperson has issued hour by hour updates of half-truths, untruths, and verbiage meant to change the subject. So much so…I believe each and every White House spokesperson has lost their credibility with the American Public. All while our allies and nations around the world probably think they are looking at some reality TV show.


  Most congressional Republicans, House, and Senate, credibility with other than their hardcore constituency has suffered heavy body blows during this time. They are trying to sell a health care plan that one may find in a Cracker Jack box and just as effective. Their visits to their town halls have given them an up to date clue as to their future prospects as a congressional representative.


 This Russia thing, well at least now we have a special council that will investigate this entire sordid affair.  Was there collusion with any or President Trump’s campaign personnel or not?  What did the president know and when did he know it?


 And where is the president in all of this you ask?  Initially, he seemed as though he only wanted to please his base (34 to 39% of voters) depending upon the news cycle. You know the person that says “I voted for Trump so he could shake things up in Washington.” Can’t you see Muhamad Ali screaming “I shook up the world, I shook up the world.” All that’s needed for that phrase is to add, ‘for all the wrong reasons.’ Now even the Donald has contributed his patented Fake News and Alternative Facts to the media that at times he acts like he’s delusional.  One day, he says one thing, and the next day or maybe even later on that day, he says another. I have never seen the presidency in such turmoil, and that would include Richard Nixon during Watergate. This is more than simply; I need to cover my behind from this presidency.


I believed during the campaign that the Donald had no clue as to what it took to run Pennsylvania Avenue, and serve the United States people.  And I do mean the people, any of us, Republicans, Independents or Democrats. During the last five months, he has still surprised me as to how much he is outclassed in his position.


 He is a man trying to run the United States Government like a small or large private business. He, like his fellow party members, want Government to get out of their way and let them do whatever they want to do. They don’t want to talk to the government unless their house and property’s flooding. Then they want to know how come it takes FEMA so long to bail them out of a place they were warned not to live because of of…wait for it…flooding. He comes from that world where the attitude is, I got mine, you don’t, and there are no free lunches in our public cafeteria. You say you’re suffering from Poverty, Racism, Minimum Wage, No Health Care, Unemployed or worst, unemployable?  Tough cookie, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get off my doorstep. I have nothing, including self-help programs for you. “Damn beggars ought to get a job” is their last word on the matter as they slam the door on your face.


Most people who are not living in the Land of Oz could have predicted startup problems by noticing who he picked to head various governmental departments.       First of all, he surrounded and continues to do so, with people who had no experience of being a Government employee. Or any idea as how to run the federal departments they are assigned to direct. Some wouldn’t know the difference between a government requisition and a weekly time card. Most probably think reading the FAR (Federal Acquisition Manual) is like going through the yellow pages. And who thinks that you can pick which government regulation you want to cancel while keeping only the one’s business people like? As the youngsters use to say, “You better ask somebody…”   How do you think those hard working lower-paid government workers are feeling about now? Secondly, he hasn’t filled a lot of the open slots. The result has been chaotic, to say the least.


Since at the moment, the Donald has another three years and eight months left to act as President. What can we do to save our country from being pillaged and halt the attempt to turn it into a cash cow for the rich? Become involved in any way shape of fashion. We all have a say in the direction this country takes in spite of those who think that we don’t. You don’t have to wait until the 2018 elections. Notify your elected officials today of your concerns. Join those who care and act, bypass those who like to talk and vent while sipping on their favorite drink.    


Peace, yet stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,




Codis Hampton II                                                                                          


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In a continuing effort to publicize my book, Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953, I will join LitFires Publishing exhibit at this year’s ALA (American Library Association in June) Annual Conference & Exhibition in Chicago. Go to for the full details. Meanwhile look for my fifth book to be published in August. Thanks and see you in Chicago.


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Copyright 2011 Codis Hampton II, all rights reserved. A bi-weekly blog for your enjoyment